I nodded as he pulled away, a lump trying to form in my throat. “Thanks, Dad.”

“I’m glad you didn’t give up, and you’ve expanded the label beyond what I thought was possible. Your new artists are doing well.”

“Yeah, thanks,” I said, the only words I could think of. “How are you?” I took in the sight of my dad, his skin more tan than usual. “You must be spending a lot of time on the boats.”

“Uh, yeah, kind of,” Dad answered me, patting me on the shoulder. “You know how it goes. I love a good yacht trip.”

“Yeah? Going somewhere interesting soon?” I asked him, tilting my head. “You hadn’t mentioned it.”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. Thinking about it. I’m getting a little restless. You all have settled down, and I’m starting to feel like I’m the one who’s the kid.”

I burst into laughter. “Well, you’ve always been young at heart.”

“Something like that,” Dad chuckled, stepping past me. I felt a light hand on my arm and turned to see Lena there, a warm expression on her face.

“You want me to get started on dinner?” she asked, her eyes bright. “My parents are running a little late, but I don’t think Mom will mind if I start without her.”

I smiled, having forged a damn good relationship with my in-laws. “Sounds good, baby. I’ll help you until she gets here.”

Lena stood on her toes, kissing my lips softly. “I love you.”

I gave her a second peck on the tip of her nose. “I love you too.”