Page 30 of Replacing My Ex

I know she bitched to her girls about me because that asshole Garston laughed at my ass the next time I beat him on the golf course. Apparently, I’m overprotective and paranoid. Whatever. His wife has a personal driver running her ass around. I’m sure we’ll get there one day, but for now, I prefer to do that shit myself.

I don’t know why; nothing is off-kilter here as far as I can see, but something in my gut won’t rest. Maybe it’s because she has nightmares about that shit, and when she told me the whole story from her side, I can see why.

I’ve been tempted, so tempted to hunt down her asshole ex and put my foot up his ass, but when you think about it, I should be thanking him for being such a fucking skell. Had he been the perfect guy, she wouldn’t be here in my bed with me right now, and that would be the real nightmare.

The last few months have been amazing, better even than my wildest imagination. I always knew deep down that if I should win this woman that it would be life’s way of making up for all the shit I suffered as a kid who didn’t do shit to deserve it.

Now I know that I would endure it all again if I knew that she was mine at the end of it. For someone like me who came from where I did, I would never imagine that this perfect gem could ever be mine.

All the money I have can’t wipe away the stigma of my birth, so I’m thankful every day that she belongs to me. So there are times, like now, when I watch her sleep and try to remember what my life was like before her because some days it’s hard to remember a time before her.

She’s brought light to all the dark corners of my soul, and every day, there’s something new about her that just rocks me off my feet. She’s the real deal, everything my investigators had reported and so much more. Her heart, how could that asshole hurt her the way he did?

I look at her and can’t imagine not wanting the best of everything for her. That alone makes me want to end his existence; the things he had done to her shouldn’t be done to a damn dog. If she knew what I was thinking, though, I’m sure she’d tell me to let it be, but there are days, moments, when I replay her story in my head, and my manhood begs me to do something.

She scrunched up her nose when the sunlight finally reached her side of the bed, and before she could come fully awake, I was on her, in her. Our morning tussles are the best. Especially if I’d had her the night before and she was still wet and dewy with my seed.

She always gives me this little smile with her eyes closed and wraps her legs and arms around me, locking me down just the way I like. I marked her for the day, came, and rolled over to go about my day when a wave of nausea hit me out of nowhere. This is the third morning in a row. I think I need to go see my guy.


“There’s nothing wrong with you according to all the tests we’ve run. From what you’ve described, it sounds like morning sickness.”

“Doc, you’ve seen me naked, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but I got a dick.”

“Yes, Thunder, I know, but these things can happen if you have a pregnant partner.”

For a second, my heart almost stopped as I tried to remember the last woman I’d had sex with before my girl. I don’t do unprotected sex, only with her, and she can’t have babies.

The last one was months before, so no. I’m pretty sure if any of the women I’d fucked with came up pregnant, they’d have been on my fucking doorstep with their hand out the second they missed a period.

“I think you’re wrong this time, Doc; try again.”

“Fine, are you worried about something? Nervous?” This fuck thinks I can’t see him with that stupid smirk on his face?

“Is this what I pay you for? Where’d you buy that damn degree from anyway?”

“It could be your orneriness catching up to you. You’ve been at it for a while.”

“Fuck off and go back there to your lab and figure this shit out.”

“Thunder, we’ve run every test there is, and there is nothing wrong with you. Would you like me to give you something for morning sickness?”

“Would you like my foot up your ass?”

“Fine, I’ll run the test again, but I’m telling you, it sounds like morning sickness. I’ve only ever heard that it can be possible in some men, but I’ve never actually seen it myself. Take my advice: before you make yourself crazier than you already are, buy a pregnancy test for the woman in your life.”

How the hell am I supposed to do that? How would I approach her about something like this? She’d probably think I was being an asshole after I already told her I’m not interested in having kids. And what if she isn’t pregnant? Wouldn’t she then think that I got some other chick pregnant? Why is the Doc trying to fuck my shit up?

Still, from the moment he planted that thought in my head, I can’t deny being excited at the possibility of a little boy who looked like me with the woman who owns my heart for a mother; what could be better? Is it possible? Could it be?

I didn’t share her story with him because it’s none of his damn business. So I had to sit there and listen to his disrespectful ass try to convince me that I had gotten someone pregnant. But even if I had, why the hell am I the one getting sick? Isn’t that the woman’s deal? Though, come to think of it, if my girl had to suffer like this, I’d lose my shit for sure.

I left his office because he was getting on my nerves with his shit. If I didn’t know he’s the best at what he does, I’d fire his ass, but he’s top dog around these parts, so where the hell am I gonna go? The Mayo Clinic?

It was because I trusted him that I stopped by the pharmacy and bought every pee stick these fucks had on the shelf. Now, I’m making my way to the bakery. She’s waiting for me anyway because she was just as worried about the throwing up shit as I was.

The shit is weird. It hits out of nowhere and leaves just as quickly. There are no other symptoms throughout the day, and nothing else hurts, but every morning like clockwork for the last week or so, that shit has been happening as soon as I finish fucking my woman. That nut thinks it’s the sex that’s making me sick like I’m weak or something.