Page 42 of Replacing My Ex

“No one else is on this floor, and Kieran knows better than to come back up here unless I call him to. So, what did you bring me?”

* * *


* * *

I leanedover and kissed her before she could answer. It was the first time in a week that I’d gone anywhere near her lips.

Damn, hard as a pike in five seconds flat. I have to find a better way to discipline her ass. One that doesn’t make me suffer as well. We were both starved for each other, but when I started imagining fucking her on the desk, I had to take a step back. She might not be down for that seeing as the desk is hard as fuck.

I tried pulling back, but she wasn’t having it. She put one of her legs around mine and held me in place. I made the mistake of looking down into her eyes and almost promised her the world, damn sneak. I know she wore that soft, innocent look to trap me.

“What did you come here for, beautiful?”

“I came to apologize, but now I don’t know if you deserve it.” I quirked my brow and started to remove her leg.

“Okay-okay, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you’d get so bent out of shape. And I especially didn’t expect to run into those idiots.”


“There’s more? What else did I do, Your Highness?”

“You knew I was worried because your stomach grew to twice the size it was in one day, and you went behind my back to see the doctor. You knew I wanted to be there. What’s that look?” She looked kinda sus to me.

“Don’t get mad, okay.”

“What now? What else did you do behind my back?”

“Nothing, it’s just. What’s on your nightstand at home?”

“What? What does that have to do with anything?”

“You have every brochure ever written about pregnancy; you expect me to follow every last one of their suggestions, some of which are so outdated no one alive in the last one hundred years has even heard about them. On top of that, what did you say to the doctor the last time we were there?”

“I don’t recall. It was probably something about her not doing her job.”

“You told that poor woman that you would take a scalpel to her if she tries any new age shit on your wife and kid.”

“She was talking about cutting you open to get the kid out.”

“It’s called a C-section, you goof. And women have them every day.”

“The shit sounded like some sadistic shit to me. And why the hell was she smiling when she said it?”

“I give up; seriously, you’re just nuts.”

“I don’t see how me looking out for my family makes me nuts, but okay.”

“I brought you lunch. I was going to share it with you, but now I can’t even eat after seeing her in your office.”

“You still thinking about her? Let’s eat.”

* * *

As apologies go,hers was shit, but I’ll take it. I spread the blanket she brought on the floor in my office, threw the cushions from the couch around it, and helped her down.

She’d made all my favorites I saw, and I was sure to show my appreciation. “This is really good, babe. Here.” I fed her some of my sandwich since she was only having fruit for some reason, and since I didn’t want any of her smoke, I left her alone on that.