Page 38 of Over a Barrel

“Fuck.” CC pushed off the back of the couch, upright in Al’s arms, her head thrown back as she continued to rock her hips, rutting her clit against the pressure Al applied. She palmed her breasts, kneading them like in the fantasy Al had previously painted, and Al’s groan matched her own.

“Yeah, baby,” Al whispered against the underside of her chin. “You like the sound of that.” She popped two of the snaps on the gusset—the sound, the sensation sent a shock straight to CC’s clit, a second shock on its heels as Al dipped two fingers into CC’s soaked center. “Oh, feel how wet you are. All for me.”


She glided slick fingers along either side of her clit. “Tell me which you want, CC.”

“Option two.”

“Figured you might.” She kissed along CC’s throat. “There’s a New Year’s Eve party tomorrow night at another house. They can hear me fuck you then.” Al’s two fingers dove back inside her, and CC’s muscles contracted around them. “Greedy,” Al murmured.

“For you.” CC righted her head, pleased to see Al’s face as flushed as hers felt. “And deal.”

Al withdrew her fingers, and CC whimpered. “Patience,” Al said with a chuckle. She dug her phone out from behind a cushion but paused before sending the We’re a go text she’d typed. “Safe words?” she asked CC. “Mine are green, yellow, red. Yours?”

“Whiskey for green, tequila for yellow, vodka for red.”

Al rolled her eyes and hit send on the text. “Explains so much. Limits?”

“No degradation or humiliation.”

“Is calling me ma’am that to you? You’ve used it before, but I need to be sure.”

CC shook her head. “No, ma’am.”

Al smirked. “Quit trying to distract me. What about pain?” CC opened her mouth to respond, but Al added first, “Be honest. Remember, I’m not a sadist, but I do need to know how hard I can squeeze these.” She palmed the side of CC’s left breast, and CC’s eyes fluttered closed again as she relished the touch.

“Seven out of ten,” CC answered.

“And the spank earlier was okay?”

“Yes, ma’am.” She groaned as Al spread her whole hand over her breast and swiped her thumb across the top curve. “Please.”

“Last question, I promise.” It better have been because as her hand glided south, down between CC’s legs to open the rest of the snaps, CC was already careening toward the edge. “When’s the last time you were tested? Because I plan to feast down here tonight.”

“Last month, negative. No one since.”

“Last spring for me, negative, no partners since.”

CC whipped up her gaze, disbelieving.

“Don’t look so surprised. We both work like madwomen.” She tilted forward, stealing a deep, plundering kiss, her hand tangling in CC’s hair and giving a tug that made every part of CC feel like it was bursting at the seams. “No work tonight,” Al said, drawing back, then with a pat to CC’s thigh, ordered, “Stand.”

CC unfolded herself from Al’s lap and stepped back, glancing over her shoulder at the house. Where before it had been dark, the kitchen and living area were now cast in low light, and several people milled about with wine glasses in hand. No one was watching them yet, but CC could feel the wave of sexual energy from here. It sped up her pulse and raised the hairs on her arms, adrenaline—the good kind—pumping.

“Your drink of choice?” Al asked.

At the prompt for consent, CC returned her attention to her Domme. “Whiskey, ma’am.”

“Good.” On her feet now too, Al stepped around her, then jutted her chin toward the chaise. “Climb onto the couch. Sit on the corner, at the top, facing the house.”

CC moved to take off her shoes, but Al clicked her tongue against her teeth. “Nope, leave those beauties on. I’ll help you get into position.” She held her steady while CC navigated her way onto the solid couch corner. She wedged one heel between a cushion and the couch arm and braced the other on the middle seat cushion. Spread for all the world to see, only the flimsy end of the gusset, the organza shirt, and Al blocking her from view.

“Drink of choice?” Al asked again.

“Whiskey,” CC answered without hesitation.

Smiling, Al carefully tucked the gusset up under the front of the leotard and draped the organza back behind her knees, baring her completely. “Keep your hands on the couch,” she said before stepping back. Still in front of her, she turned toward the house. Over her shoulder, CC watched their audience come to attention, all of them held rapt as Al untied and dropped her robe, black silk fluttering to the floor.