Page 55 of Scared Love

“I would never do such a thing. We had a lot to discuss

with pops and I just lost track of time. I’m so sorry. I

promise you it will never happen again.” I run my hand

down her cheek and give her a light kiss on her forehead.

Emma sits up in the bed and pulls the blanket closer to

her chest. 'What's wrong baby girl?’ I ask her. She looks

scared and I hate that.

“I found something while you were gone?” She says as

she looks away. She’s playing with the corner of the blanket


What the hell could she have found? I don’t even have

anything to hide.

“I found some vibrators yesterday.” She looks

embarrassed. The Words sound so funny coming out of her

sweet little mouth “Oh…”

“I didn’t want to bring it up,but why do you have them

here? I mean they were all in the package still but..”

” My brother and his now wife used to come here a lot

and I guess they forgot to take it with them when they left.

It’s been a couple years. Hell I haven’t even been back here

in a while. But I thought you would love it here. With the

view and being away for a little while.”

“Well I hate myself for this…. I used one earlier…”


“Oh..really?” I was getting jealous over a fucking

vibrator. But I stick to my promise. I’m not going to touch

her unless she wants me too. I rather her beg but it’s going

to be all on her terms

“I fantasized about you. I don’t think I ever did that

about anyone. I imagined how your dick would feel inside