Page 36 of Scared Love

actually heard her laugh.

By the time the movie is over Emma is snuggled up to

me with her hand on my chest and a blanket around her.

She has nuzzled her nose into the blanket and I pull her in

closer to me when she looks up at me and cuffs my face.

“Vince,” she whispers.

“Baby girl,” I say, running my fingers through her


“Thank you for being my Flynn Ryder.”


“What do you mean?”

“Thank you for climbing my tower, breaking me out, and

setting me free.”

“Baby girl, I will walk to the ends of the world for you. I

would burn every town and city down just to get to you!”

She’s finally letting me in. It’s so nice to hold her this

close to me.

All that’s left is murdering those bastards.



“How did they know we were here,” Ian shouts as he slams

his fist into my nose. “Tell. Me. Now!” Ian keeps slamming

his fist into my face causing blood to pour down onto my



“I…don’t know.. sssiirr,” I whimper. I try to wipe the

blood from my face and spit blood out of my mouth when I

attempt to speak. Then Ian hits me again.

“You’re the only motherfucker that communicates with

them,” Ian says as he plunges his fist into my stomach.