While it was true I was in it for the benefit of the business and the Caprises as a result, I couldn’t tell them my true ambition—the real reason I went to Erasmo about it in the first place.

I was so close to having Anastasia in my possession, and I only needed to head out and grab her. Even if I had been furious when I found out who she really was, the need to see her again was too great. Regardless of what she would think of me, I had to try.

When the time finally came, we loaded up the SUV and piled in. I took up the passenger seat while Gabe drove with his cloth mask in his lap, arm resting against the window frame. He grinned as he glanced over at me.

“I can’t say abduction was on my bucket list, but I have a good feeling about this. Let’s get ourselves a Levov.”

The others hollered enthusiastically, and their eagerness prompted my warning as I glanced back at them.

“That’s all fine and good, but remember. No damage. Make sure Anastasia comes out in one piece, or else we’re all dead.”

While it certainly added a graver aspect to the situation, the others snapped back into obedience, and they nodded.

“Not a hair on her head will be harmed. But I can’t promise the same for the other Levovs,” Gabe said, all too happy at the thought of potentially bringing them down.

While I didn’t have any personal vendettas against the most notorious family in New York, my paycheck was enough incentive to be swayed to my boss’s side.

Feud aside, my sights were set on my Levov princess, and I’d be damned if I let her slip away again.

Chapter 3 - Anastasia

I never thought I’d find myself interested in studying again, let alone sitting in a lecture hall. I wasn’t exactly the best student when I was younger, and the moment I had the chance to get out, I took it.

But at the time, I didn’t care. I didn’t have a genuine interest in what I was learning. With my focus set on getting into healthcare, I was more than willing to sit through lengthy lectures and dedicate my time to studying.

I wasn’t naïve enough to think it would be easy, but at the very least, I was working towards something worthwhile. It felt good to have my ambition back, and I was grateful for the opportunity, even if the lecture was later than I would’ve liked. It was just one of the punches I had to roll with.

But as the professor went on and we attendees followed along, I couldn’t help but daydream about what it would be like to be the only doctor in the family—in fact, the only blood Levov not serving the family business.

The ground had been laid for us in America by our fathers, and my brothers wasted no time involving themselves in the underground conflicts and dealings that went unnoticed by the average person.

While it had its dangers, it apparently served my brothers and cousins well, but I knew with every fiber of my being that it wasn’t for me. I didn’t want to spend every day wondering when something awful would happen to either me or the ones I loved. It was difficult enough knowing that my brothers risked their lives every day.

Even if I wasn’t in the throes of it, I knew enough about the culture to be sure of my decision. While my brothers had higher standards than most, it wasn’t uncommon for women to be seen as a commodity. Most fathers sold their daughters off like cattle while their sons were put on pedestals and given everything. Who they were chosen to marry would be a complete gamble. The best of them would treat their new bride like a goddess capable of delivering his children, while the worst handled them like trash to be discarded.

Despite knowing that my situation would be better than most, given that my brothers couldn’t control me, I always empathized with the women who never got to choose. While organized crime offered some wealth they wouldn’t otherwise acquire, it came with enough unsavory parts to turn me off completely.

The more space that was put between me and that world, the better.

As much as Yaro and Vik wanted me to join them, or to just continue living as I had been, I knew it wasn’t sustainable. I had my fun traveling the world and getting myself into a reasonable amount of trouble, but it was time for a change.

I was never concerned about making something of myself before, but thanks to my tour through the less fortunate countries in Africa, I saw things differently. I witnessed the poverty and awful conditions some had to deal with in contrast to the nicer cities, and seeing those starving families put everything into perspective. So long as I was able, I wanted to help.

Whether it meant traveling for work or simply being a doctor in New York, it was something, and my heart was completely set on it.

If I helped only one person, that would be enough. But to help many was the real goal.

The usual tapping of keyboards continued as the professor went through the projected slides one by one, creating a background noise that was easy to block out. The routine had been difficult to adjust to at first, but as the weeks went on, I managed to find a groove that worked for me. So long as I focused and kept at it, I always managed to get into a good headspace to make the longer lectures go by faster.

Aside from keyboards tapping and the professor speaking, the room was quiet. Quiet enough to hear as the heavy steel doors swung open to the lecture hall, and as boots hammered against the wooden floor.

Everyone looked confused by the intrusion, all wondering what was going on. Silently questioning if we were hearing things.

Immediately, the relaxed and focused atmosphere was shattered, and alarm broke out.

Several men ran in with big guns drawn, dressed in all black. They were terrifying as they stormed in, shouting and taking the occasional shot. People screamed and either ran or tried to hide behind the seats. It was a dangerous frenzy.

My entire body froze up as I tried to drop, immediately losing all sense and rational thinking. I felt as the tunnel vision set in, and my whole system started trembling.