Hope bubbled within my chest as that recognition settled in, and I felt myself brightening at his words—at the prospect of being able to go out mostly on my own.

“I can work with that.”

As much as he wanted to pretend to be a hard-ass, Nik let a small smile slip through the cracks. “Alright then. It’s a deal.”

With it all said and done, I couldn’t contain just how grateful I was for the opportunity. While it wasn’t ideal to have to ask for permission, it felt like a crack in his hard exterior, and I wasn’t willing to complain.

It was a sign that he had already started trusting me, and if I proved myself to him, then there was a chance I could have more of my freedom back.

It was a start, and I needed that win.

“Thank you,” I said sweetly, leaning in as I offered him a quick peck.

He stayed in his place and narrowed his eyes at me. “That’s it?”

Amused, I pressed my lips to his more firmly as Nik gently held my jaw and deepened the kiss.

As the sun began to set, I felt more optimistic than before, and I didn’t want that moment of happiness to be interrupted by anything.

Chapter 23 - Nik

My day started swathed in apprehension as I prepared to let Anastasia go out on her own for the first time since I captured her, and I couldn’t deny how uneasy I was about it.

There were more than enough risks involved, and it was difficult enough to try and stomach them. To swallow back every reason I had to convince her not to.

But as she got up bright and early with me, chipper as she got ready for her in-person training, I couldn’t bring myself to go back on my word.

I knew how important it was to her, and I didn’t want to cage her. She was born into a life of freedom with the ability to make her own decisions, and I owed her that freedom again.

As much as I wanted to shield her from the dangers that came with my line of work, I didn’t have any interest in being her jailor forever.

She was my wife, and I meant to treat her that way. Not like my prisoner.

Swallowing my pride and that annoying urge to keep her home, I got myself ready, wished Anastasia good luck, and kissed her before I left the house.

I wanted to regain her trust, and if it meant letting her go out on her own, then so be it.

Driving through the city before rush hour meant a smooth journey to work, which felt like a bonus. With Anastasia’s sweetness due to our compromise and how good everything seemed to be going between us, I was riding on a high.

But as always, that high had to drop eventually, and that bubble was destined to pop.

As I parked and made my way toward the warehouse, my phone vibrated in my pocket, and I was quick to check it, afraid it was from my driver with bad news about Anastasia.

It was a text from Erasmo instead.

Prepare your unit to hit the targeted Levov warehouse in one hour. Security is weak compared to others. The more dogs dead or captured, the better. Details to follow.

As I stared at my phone screen in complete disbelief, the coordinates eventually popped up next, and I was at a complete loss.

It couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t. Not after everything had been so good with Anastasia.

I had hoped that after everything, the loose ends would work themselves out and we’d get away from the situation scot-free. But that was completely wishful thinking. Nothing ever happened that smoothly, and I already knew that would be the case.

Unable to ignore the call to action, I deftly made my way inside and operated with a tunnel vision that plagued me.

Spreading the word and preparing for the job with the others, I felt completely numb as that panic ran through me.

As much as I wanted to lash out and do whatever I could to stop it from happening, I couldn’t. I had to repress it and pretend like nothing was wrong.