He held me in some way the entire time, unwilling to let me go again.

But I didn’t mind as I stayed glued to him, letting the hot water cascade down my back. I soaked in the comfort his touch offered me, glad that he was with me.

It reminded me of what we both stood to lose if Nik didn’t make his decision sooner rather than later.

Chapter 21 - Nik

Even if I still had no idea what I was going to do about being on the Levov radar and working for their enemy, at least one facet of my life seemed to be doing better than before.

After everything, Anastasia was still willing to put up with me and made it clear that she still felt that mutual attraction. I may have been bad news for her, yet she couldn’t resist what we had, just like I couldn’t.

Given that she didn’t offer me over to her family in exchange for her complete freedom, I felt more hopeful than ever about us. About the future we could have together, so long as everything went better than the awful fate I tried to push out of my head.

I could feel that her loyalty to me was strengthening, and we were on a similar page. At the very least, that meant Anastasia also had something to lose, which I hoped would help shield us from her family.

It felt like wishful thinking, but I was getting desperate. I needed to know that the Levovs wouldn’t swoop in and destroy everything we worked towards as a couple. I risked too much to try and give us the opportunity to reconnect and rediscover one another for them to wage war on me.

While I certainly wasn’t taking Yaro’s threats lightly, I was still holding off on giving him my official decision. If I could delay it and push the issue out of my mind, then at least I could blindly appreciate how much better things were with Anastasia.

I could live in ignorant bliss and pretend like nothing was wrong.

It didn’t hurt that the sex was incredible, and even when I was away from her, those memories often clouded my mind.

Since she stopped resisting me overall, it was easier for us to get back in the swing of things, and to connect like we had that night. Anastasia proved to me again and again why I couldn’t forget her, and even if being with her made me a target, it all felt worth it.

She was really something else, and after spending all day going over those addictive thoughts in my head, I was always itching to get home.

After being rewarded with more of her trust and affection, it all seemed a lot more promising, regardless of the blight of her family that I’d eventually had to deal with. In the meantime, I had appearances to keep up with at work, and I had a wife I wanted to give all my attention to.

Standing outside of the VIP section of one of the clubs Erasmo frequented, I kept my expression blank as I thought about nothing but Anastasia.

How her hands traveled my body, awakening me with every touch. The way she moved with such confidence beneath me, or if she was feeling up to it, above me. The perfect curves and softness of her skin. The way she surrounded me eagerly every time I was inside her. Her addictive sounds that began to feel like a reward every time they slipped past her lips.

All of it had me wishing I was there with her, rather than standing around while Erasmo mingled and drank with his buddies.

Given his age and particular habits, I didn’t expect him to be in a place full of dancing women and loud music. Although, as much as he was devoted to his wife and kids, there was no doubt how he enjoyed a good skin show. Apparently, it helped him feel young again, like it was nostalgic to get back to his roots.

Pushing away my silent grimace at the thought, I caught several of his friends leaving the VIP area in the corner of my eye, taking their smoke with them.

“Petrov,” Erasmo said over the music, gesturing for me to approach. “I’d like to have a chat.”

Hesitating for only a beat, I caught Gabe’s questioning glance at me, and I didn’t say anything. Instead, I entered the VIP section, and when I was close enough, he vaguely pointed to one of the chairs across from him. “Sit.”

Doing as I was told, regardless of the slight spike of apprehension within my chest, I sat in the black chair and gave him my undivided attention.

He took a thoughtful moment as he puffed on his cigar before he even bothered to speak, releasing the smoke with a nonchalant air. “You know, word spreads fast around here. I caught wind of something about you taking your captor duties a step further than necessary.”

Immediately, I froze. While he wasn’t wrong, my head immediately started spinning, and the smell of his cigar made my stomach turn. Who told him? Was it Gabe? Or did someone see me with the Levovs?

The possibilities rammed against the walls of my mind, but to my surprise, Erasmo chuckled.

“Don’t get shy with me, kid. Did you marry Anastasia or not?”

While his tone sounded friendlier than usual, I knew I couldn’t be disarmed by it. It wasn’t uncommon for him to use it against whoever he wanted to get information out of.

Aware that I wasn’t in the position to lie to him, especially not when he seemingly had an external source, I nodded. “I did, sir.”

As more cigar smoke left his mouth, Erasmo didn’t hold back as he let go of a deep laugh, pointing his cigar at me. “I didn’t think you had it in you, Nik. Pulling a fast one on the Levovs is really something.”