Chapter 16 - Nik

It was a step in the right direction securing Anastasia's loyalty, but it still couldn't promise me complete immunity. If she decided to change her mind last minute, or if her brothers happened to feel trigger-happy, then that would be the end of it.

After seeing how frantic Yaro had been at the club, I had no reason to believe he would be calm enough to hear me out, but it seemed like my only option. If Anastasia could reassure him and let her brothers know that she was safe, then at least that would hopefully cool them down. That was the idea, anyway.

When I came back from the club, I sent my report to Erasmo, and the following morning, I received another request to come in. He mentioned having something else to speak about, and while there was a fifty-fifty chance of it not being something I wanted to hear, I had no choice but to oblige him.

Instead of meeting him at his mansion, however, he sent me the location of his golf course, and I went straight over. I was to be there right at ten in the morning, and I did exactly that.

It didn’t take long for me to spot Erasmo and a few of his buddies out on the turf, chatting with one another as they usually did. When I approached, one of them gestured to me, and Erasmo turned to see for himself.

“Ah, there you are, Petrov,” he said, seeming to be in a good mood, to my surprise. He waved off the others. “Leave us, I have something important to discuss with him.”

Without a word of protest, the others nodded and went on their way, heading for the next hole.

Despite being able to hold my own, it wasn’t usual for me to feel pressure around the boss. My fate was essentially in his hands, and he had the power to not only fire me or have me blacklisted in the city, but he was capable of having me disposed of without another soul knowing. As much as I didn’t enjoy being a lapdog, there was no way for me to avoid it without landing myself in trouble.

“I received your report from yesterday’s stakeout, and while it didn’t contain the information I had hoped to read, it was interesting,” he began, reaching for a different club. “You say the Levovs are in a bit of a stir over her disappearance?”

I nodded. “Her brother, Yaro, was causing a scene in the club before he stormed out. He wasn’t satisfied by the efficiency of their force.”

“That sounds promising for us,” he murmured to himself as he practiced his swinging position. “That rising desperation will make them do questionable things to get her back, which we can use to our advantage. I predict that they will back down rather than escalate things to keep her safe.”

“That sounds likely,” I agreed, despite my own doubt.

While there was a chance they could back down for her sake, it was also possible that they might use more power and force to get her back. They could throw every resource they had at finding her, and that wouldn’t end well for us at all.

“I have to thank you again for taking the initiative of securing Anastasia Levov. She has proven to be our most effective bargaining chip yet, and if we can capitalize on their grief and desperation, then we will have the Levovs in our hands,” he declared proudly, leaning against his club. “They have spent long enough flaunting their wealth and power around this city, wiping out other families to maintain their status. It’s a shame. Acquiring an alliance with them would be beneficial, but I’ve heard they don’t play well with others. A pity. But now it’s time for the Capris name to make waves.”

“Of course, sir. It would be well earned.”

He nodded to himself pensively, then flashed me a dentured smile. “But you’re not here to listen to me ramble on about my ambitions. Instead, I called you over to inform you of your new promotion.”

Caught completely off-guard, I felt as my brows lifted. “Promotion, sir?”

“You heard me. I’m impressed with your work and willingness to stick your neck out for this family, which is why I’m giving you a more significant role,” Erasmo said, clapping my shoulder enthusiastically. “I’m willing to bump your pay and throw a stake in the company in it to sweeten the deal. If you stay loyal to me, kid, I’ll make your dreams come true.”

I was too stunned to say anything at first, but Erasmo turned me by the shoulder and used his other arm to gesture at the landscape around us.

“Maybe one day you’ll have something like this of your own. Maybe even more. I can help you get there so long as you help me. Sound like a fair deal?”

There was no ignoring how much I wanted exactly that to happen. How I had been working with the promise of moving up the ranks and ensuring security for my whole family even after I eventually kicked the bucket.

I put in the necessary work and managed to get rewarded for it, yet that also meant I was getting in deep. Securing a stake in the business didn’t happen for nothing. As he said, I’d have to continue serving him, and with a more important role than before; I had no way of knowing what exactly that would entail.

To make matters worse, giving Erasmo my complete allegiance ran the risk of putting a wedge between me and Anastasia, and her family as well.

If they figured out who I worked for, that would already be a problem itself. But knowing just how dedicated to the job I was, they would never give me the pass I needed.

As much as I wanted to think about it at that moment, I couldn’t. My boss and the man capable of ruining everything I made for myself in the blink of an eye was waiting for my response.

Initially, I wanted to help Erasmo bring the Levovs down, given all the stories I had heard about them. I didn’t see any harm in helping his family expand in the city since it was always fair game in the mob world. But now needing to keep Anastasia safe, I had to keep both sides under control so that nothing happened to either of us.

“That is a very generous offer, sir. Whatever you need me to do, I’ll make it happen,” I said, feeling like it came more instinctually than anything else.

I knew I was toeing the line of danger, and I was only burying myself more, but I couldn’t deny Erasmo. It was a significant conflict of interest, but a job was a job, and I needed to secure my wealth somehow.

“That’s what I like to hear,” Erasmo said with another toothy grin. “We’re getting bigger and better, and I’ll have some important tasks for you soon. I’ll inform the others of the changes being made, and you’ll be on your way. Now, get back to it.”