My head ached from the constant arguing and the previous exertion of destroying the dress. It seemed that no matter what I said or how I tried to inform Nik he was losing an uphill battle, the point never got across.

I was exhausted from it all, and I wanted nothing more than to walk out of that room, yet I wouldn't let him win. I had gone so far already that I couldn't back down.

Nik's expression showed the slightest crack in his resolve, seemingly in disbelief at my refusal. His jaw clenched as he pulled in a deep breath. "You cannot genuinely believe hiding behind your name will protect you. That target on your back is even bigger than you know."

"That target only exists because of you!" I exclaimed, feeling drained with every word that passed my lips. "How come I was able to travel the world all I wanted without having to worry about someone capturing me?"

Nik scrubbed an irritated hand down his face. "You're not getting it. At this rate, I don't believe you ever will."

"And you're being ridiculous. The whole idea is ridiculous!"

Losing his fickle patience at last, Nik's voice came at me in an aggressive snap, "And you've been so spoiled your whole life that you've never had to stop and consider how dangerous the path your family created is."

Bristling at the accusation, I took a step toward him in warning. "Don't use the choices my family made to provide for us as a way to excuse your actions. Besides, how are you going to say all of this just to turn around and trap me in the same lifestyle?"

"Because I don't ever plan to use you as a pawn. If you haven't realized it, I'm trying to remove you from the game."

"What, is that a threat?"

Nik let out a sound of frustration. "No! For Christ's sake, are you always this combative?"

"If it means getting my freedom back, then yes," I returned, somewhat satisfied that he was crumbling even faster than myself. "I won't be forced into anything. I won't marry you, and I won't stay here. One way or another, my brothers will find me, and you'll regret ever keeping me here."

Before Nik could say anything else, the bedroom door creaked open even more, catching us both off-guard.

A young woman with dark hair styled into two topknots peered inside, face pale as she looked over at us. There was no missing the confusion scribbled on her face.

"Nikolai, what's going on? I heard yelling and I—"

Cutting her off, Nik clenched his fists and stormed past the girl, completely ignoring her.

It seemed my refusal truly had been effective.

The moment he left, it was only me and the girl, stuck making awkward eye contact with each other.

Her green eyes were wide and uncertain, and the longer we both stood there, the more uncomfortable she looked.

Feeling that lingering anger coursing through me, I gave her an incredulous look. "Who are you?"

As if correcting herself, she stood a little straighter and looked away for a moment. "I'm Catherine, or Cat. I'm Nik's sister."

Feeling somewhat guilty for snapping at her, I let go of a deep breath and wiped at my eyes, as if it would help to erase everything that had unfolded.

"I hadn't heard from him for a bit now, and I wanted to check on him. I wasn't expecting to find...this," she said, gesturing to the shredded dress littering the floor. "I don't really know what to think of it."

"Has your brother told you about any of this?" I asked her, hoping to gauge her possible involvement.

With a sigh, she shook her head. "Nik doesn't share much with me. Half the time, I don't know where he is or what he gets up to."

"Do I have a surprise for you," I mumbled, dropping myself onto the bed. "I'm Anastasia, by the way."

"It's nice to meet you...although I don't think this is the ideal way to get to know someone," she said, somewhat nervously. "What has Nik gotten himself into?"

Pulling in a deep breath, I considered just how much I should share with someone I met moments prior—the sister of the man who kidnapped me, no less.

Yet, I couldn't help but read her meekness and take it as her being naïve to her brother's work. Most women in the mob world never even knew about their family's dirty work, and I did not doubt that Cat's situation was much the same.

If it weren't for my brothers hoping I'd join the family business, I would've been in the same boat.