Despite how the uncertainty rose within me, I replied, “I’m going to marry her.”

His brows went up immediately in surprise, and he hesitated before speaking. “That’s…a plan, I suppose.”

Of course, he wouldn’t understand. He wasn’t the one who met her and bonded in Europe. Of course he wouldn’t get it.

“Using her as a bargaining chip would be too easy, and if the boss traded her for something else, she would be returned to them, and we wouldn’t get that chance again. But if I marry her, then the Levovs will be forced to tread carefully with her being in the middle of it,” I explained, despite being fully aware that wasn’t the entire truth. “If they respect legal marriage as they say, then they will have no choice but to honor it between us, granting us immunity on both sides.”

His shock lingered still, but he seemed to understand what I was getting at. “Is all of that worth getting tangled up with the Levovs beyond your work obligations? Surely, they’d care enough to take action, especially with it involving their sister.”

“Even the Levovs follow a code. It wouldn’t be a good precedent to set if they stormed in and put an end to it. They themselves have had some questionable marriages.”

While I was hoping to prove to Gabe that I knew what I was doing, it felt like I was trying to convince myself the same thing.

“But what’s stopping them from doing exactly that? If they figure out she was taken against her will, they’ll come down on you without hesitation,” Gabe said, posing a solid enough point.

“That is a likely outcome, which is why I need to convince Anastasia to be a willing participant. If she cares about me, then she’ll shield me from her family. It’ll be in my best interest to make amends with her first, and to win her loyalty. If not, I’m certain they’d put an end to me before I could even hope to defend myself.”

Gabe’s wariness was clear as day, but he shrugged and took a sip of his coffee. “And how’s she handling that now?”

“Terribly. She wants nothing to do with me, and she’s been locked in my guest bedroom for the time being,” I replied, scrubbing a hand down my face. “But I can’t waste any more time. Soon enough, the Levovs will figure it out and come knocking. I have to get the ceremony done as soon as possible.”

“This woman must’ve really done a number on you. Putting your ass on the line against one of the most powerful families in New York takes some serious balls,” Gabe chided, nudging me playfully.

I didn’t entirely appreciate him making light of it, since my ass was on the line, but I let it slide.

He wasn’t wrong about the Levovs being willing to choose the most aggressive route, given that Anastasia was family, which was exactly why I needed to be careful, and how I needed to get the ball rolling.

The sooner she trusted me again, the sooner I could save my skin, and at least attempt to win her over.

“Well, good luck anyway,” Gabe said, scratching his neck absently while he looked out at the long driveway ahead, where virtually no cars had been all day. “I hope this one’s worth it.”

Gabe didn’t know the half of it, and I couldn’t begin to explain how much I wanted her. Needed her.

Despite it all, I couldn’t stand to be without Anastasia Levov, and I was prepared to do everything in my power to make sure we could be together.


There was no denying the precarious position I put myself in. Regardless of how much I wanted everything to work out in my favor, there was effort I had to put in.

If the Levovs were to catch wind of what was going on, and if Anastasia still hated me, then she’d have no issue turning on me. I had no doubt that was likely her plan, and I kept that thought in the front of my mind as I drove through the city.

With work behind me for the day, I didn’t have to stand around considering what I was going to do. It was time to take action—to try my best to appeal to Anastasia again.

I didn’t particularly want to be taken out by the Levovs, which meant I had to gain her trust. If I could manage that, then I wouldn’t have to worry about losing her or my life. We would have a fighting chance at rekindling what we started in Europe.

Figuring that she was likely hungry, I stopped at a deli and grabbed her a sandwich and something to drink before heading home. All the while, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking back to that hotel room. To the last night I had felt more true to myself than ever before. When I was graced by Anastasia’s good humor and affection.

There had been something so addictive about the feeling of her body against mine, and how she made the most perfect sounds for me. She had been begging and pleading for more, so sensual and intoxicating that I had contemplated risking it all and marrying her right then and there in that dark hotel room.

Turning away from her was the hardest thing I had ever done, and it ended up being my biggest regret. But as long as she was near and her family was still unaware of her whereabouts, I still had a chance to make amends. To remind her I cared and that I only ever wanted us to be together.

As extreme as abducting her and locking her in my house seemed, I only had good intentions. That line was a blurry one, but I knew within me that I didn’t want anything to happen to her. I wanted Anastasia to be happy and willing to stay with me, but I just needed to get a grip on my anger.

I knew it wouldn’t be easy to get back on her good side again, but I silently hoped Anastasia would at least listen for one minute. To consider that I was willing to put myself on the line if it meant even having the slightest chance of calling her my own.

As I pulled up to the house and parked out front, I pulled in a deep breath and urged myself to keep my cool. To remember the plan and keep Anastasia’s comfort as my priority.

With every step inside, carrying the food up for her, I went over what was really important. Regaining her trust. Proving to her that I wasn’t some monster. Helping her see that we were capable of making up.