“You’re a monster,” I growled at him, using whatever strength I had left to try and free myself.

“How original,” he said in a bored tone. “I’ve been called much worse, sweetheart.”

As we reached a bedroom at the end of the hall, Nik pushed the door open, had me walk a few steps inside, then finally undid the bindings around my wrists.

But the moment I turned back around to face him, I found he was entirely blocking the doorway. There was no way for me to squeeze through or make a run for it. Instead, I was stuck there, and he was staring me down like a jailer.

“You can stay in here until you feel like cooperating,” he said, entirely serious.

The unmistakable rage that coursed through me moved my mouth before I had the chance to stop it.

“I wish I never met you.”

Even if those words had affected him in the slightest, I would never know. He simply looked at me, seemingly tired of the conversation, and took a step back. The door began to close.

“I hate you!” I screamed at him, colliding with the wooden door as it shut. I slammed my fists against it with a rush of panicked emotions colliding within me. “I never should’ve spoken to you!”

Even as I shouted and freaked out through the door, I heard the sound of a lock clicking into place, and his footfall as he walked away. I knew it was falling on deaf ears.

Sucking in deep breaths as the realization sank in, I turned around to get a better look at the room I had been confined to.

There was a queen-sized bed that was neatly made, a dresser across from it with obscure décor including an old family portrait, a handful of knickknacks and a half-used bottle of perfume, along with a door that led to an ensuite, and a single window that faced a backyard.

Running over to it, I told myself to calm down enough to try and push it open. I heaved on it from every direction, only to find out it had been sealed shut. It felt thick and secure, and I could only assume it was shatterproof.

Even if I wanted to try and break the glass, I likely wouldn’t have any luck.

Despite my efforts, it wasn’t budging, and I fell to my knees in front of it.

The weight of it all sat heavily on my shoulders, and I knew I wasn’t getting out any time soon.

Nik tore me from my life—from the future I was trying to forge for myself, and he locked me away in his house. He was going to force me to marry him, and it didn’t appear like he was willing to take no for an answer.

I was trapped. My autonomy was being taken away, and there was nothing I could do about it.

At once, the panic, anger, and despair collided together within me, and I was on my feet before I knew it.

Like a bull charging with rage, I screamed my frustration and grabbed the curtains, yanking them apart. I went to the dresser and swiped everything off the top, letting those heavy items crash to the floor. I ripped the bedding off piece by piece, letting my anger out.

I didn’t like to be held against my will, and if it took destroying the bedroom to get that point across to Nik, then so be it.

Chapter 6 - Nik

Crashing and shouting came from the spare bedroom, almost like my karma unfolding in real time. Anastasia’s frustrated screams grated against my skull, and even from the farthest room in the house, I couldn’t escape it.

Sat on a recliner in the living room, I let my glass of scotch sit on the armrest, and I pinched the bridge of my nose. With a sigh, I could feel the dread creeping in as it settled next to my anger.

I could only imagine what the bedroom looked like, but I didn’t have the energy or willpower to stop her. Whether I liked it or not, she had to get that resistance out. The sooner she tired herself out, the better.

All the while, Anastasia yelled and threw her tantrum upstairs, the same thought circulated in my mind.

It could’ve been avoided. All of it. If she had been open about her knowledge of the crime underworld from the start, we could’ve avoided the awkwardness of me walking away. We could’ve returned from our respective trips and rekindled things in the city.

She wasn’t upfront with me, and that cost us the genuine connection we made in Europe. I felt lied to, and it was hard for me to come back from that.

Even if I had her in my place, that perfect chemistry and mutual understanding we had was still missing. I wasn’t sure if we’d ever manage to get that back again, but regardless, I was determined to try.

Once I eventually got over my anger, I’d do my part to make things better. To search for what we left behind in Europe before I walked away from her.