She pretended not have noticed that Dougal was now lying against Lucas’s legs. “I?—”
“I was giving her a batting lesson,” Maggie interjected. “Having fun. Unlike you two workaholics.”
“Fun?” Alex said. “I think I remember that.”
Sara snuck a sidewise look at Lucas. He was ignoring Dougal, too, apparently just listening to the banter, but she thought there was a little too much tension in his stance.
“You should ask Mal to teach you to hit,” Alex said. “He’s quite the slugger. And if you want to learn to pitch, then Lucas here can show you the ropes.”
“That’s what I told her,” Maggie said. “That Lucas would be happy to give her a lesson or two.”
Sara purposefully didn’t look at Lucas.
“I’d be happy to,” Lucas said neutrally.
“Oh for Pete’s sake,” Maggie said, throwing up her hands. “You two are hopeless.”
Crap. They were about to get called on their pretense. Damn it. She knew Maggie had figured it out. “What?” Sara said, trying for bewildered.
“Give it up, Sara. Dougal has blown your secret,” Maggie said. “Besides which, the two of you are not going to win any acting awards.”
“Not to mention,” Alex said with a grin, “I can practically feel the steam rising off you both. ’Fess up, you’re seeing each other.”
Chapter Seventeen
Sara’s stomach went cold. Her eyes locked on Alex. Oh God. They knew.
Instinctively, she turned to Lucas, whose face had gone locked down and unreadable.
Alex laughed. “You two look like deer in the headlights.”
“Maybe that’s because we were just ambushed,” Lucas said in a very cool voice. “And last time I checked, my private life wasn’t your business.”
The laughter in Alex’s face dimmed a bit. “We’ve had this discussion before. It is my business and Mal’s business if it involves an employee. So does it?”
God. She was going to get fired over this. Lucas looked at her, an eyebrow raised, as if to say Up to you.
Might as well get it over and done with. If their pretense was so flimsy, it was better just to come out with it. She lifted her chin. “I don’t remember anything in my contract about not being able to date anybody at the Saints.”
“That’s because there isn’t anything in your contract about that.” Maggie stood and went over to Alex. “Because that would be pretty hypocritical of us.” She dug her elbow into Alex’s ribs. “You’re scaring Sara, she thinks you’re going to fire her.”
“No one’s firing anybody,” Lucas growled.
Alex held up his hands. “Of course not. I just want to know the truth. Are you two together?” He looked down at Dougal, who whined and licked Lucas’s hand. “Or is Lucas suddenly a miraculous dog whisperer?”
Once again she looked at Lucas, and this time he shrugged. Alex snorted softly.
Sara made an effort to relax, but her shoulders felt like they were up near her ears. “We’re … well, I don’t know if we have a definition yet.”
“Yes!” Maggie whooped. “Good work, Sara.” She grinned at Lucas, who shook his head at her. Or maybe at all three of them.
“Happy?” Lucas said. “Is the interrogation over?”
Maggie held up her hands. “I won’t shine bright lights in anybody’s eyes, I promise.” Her eyes were laughing. “Though I’m thinking some quality girl talk might be required. Everyone will want to know about the secret life of Dr. Gorgeous here.”
Lucas shook his head and put his arm around Sara’s shoulder. She wriggled closer, her heart still beating too fast, head spinning from the big reveal.
“I have no secret life. You guys don’t leave me any time for a secret life,” Lucas said.