All that softness and smooth skin and laughter. Lying in her bed just a few doors down the corridor.
But she might as well have been on Mars. They’d agreed no sex in Orlando, too risky.
He rested his forehead on the slick cool tile. He really didn’t like hiding things from Alex and Mal. But Sara wasn’t ready. So he had to wait. Though he was pretty sure that Maggie, as Sara had said, had some fairly serious suspicions.
All the more reason why trying to sneak down the hall was lunacy.
He turned the water pressure on harder but that didn’t help.
He wanted her. Wanted sex and the smell of her on his skin and the sound of her voice in his ear as she told him what she wanted.
He killed the water with a savage twist of the faucet and stepped out of the shower. Even as he toweled off, his hard-on rose again.
Maybe he should just take care of things. Then he might have some chance of getting to sleep at some point during the night.
He wrapped the towel around his waist and stalked out of the bathroom over toward the bed, flipping on the lamp as the sole source of illumination in the room.
Just as he was about to lie down, his cell buzzed to life on the nightstand.
He picked it up, ready to snarl at whoever was calling him at this hour of the night, but the caller ID read SARA and irritation turned to anticipation in a second. He hit the ANSWER button so hard it was surprising the screen didn’t crack. “Hello?”
“Oh good, you’re awake,” she said.
Her voice was soft and a little husky over the phone. He felt his cock go harder still.
“Having trouble sleeping?” he asked.
“It’s a very big bed,” she said. “And it’s half empty.”
“Don’t blame me for that,” he said. “You’re the one who wants to keep this a secret.”
“I know.” She sighed, and there was a world of frustration in that sound. “I do. But…”
“But this is insane and you want me to come right over?”
“No. I want you to stay there and come.”
The breath left his chest in a rush and the room spun for a second as most of the blood left his head equally fast. “Phone sex? Really?”
“You got a better idea?”
Well, yes, he did, but it wasn’t one that Sara would go for. “Not right now.”
“Good. So, what are you wearing, big boy?”
He looked down at the towel, which was currently tented with the force of his hard-on. “A towel.”
She laughed, throaty and delicious. “Seriously? Or are you just saying that?”
“Scout’s honor,” he said. “I just got out of the shower when you rang.”
“A cold shower?”
“Oh good. Me, too.”