Page 57 of Angel In Armani

“Come for me,” he said, his fingers moving to just the right spot.

She shivered and opened her mouth to say she wasn’t quite there when he changed the angle again and slid into her and she broke open, seeing stars as she dropped into the place where there was only the hot pulse of satisfaction as he called her name and came, too.

The sound of the curtains sliding open woke her. She bolted upright, trying to work out who the hell was in her apartment, but then as she caught sight of Lucas standing by the window, pulling on his trousers, she remembered. Remembered the whole very long night. They hadn’t gotten much more than snatches of sleep between lots and lots of sex.

“Going somewhere?” she said.

Lucas looked up. “I have to get to the hospital. They need me.”

“Oh,” she said. She should believe him, there was no reason not to believe him, but she couldn’t help the evil little sliver of doubt that suddenly stabbed her in the gut.

He must have heard something in her voice because he came back over to the bed, bent down, and kissed her. “Trust me, I wouldn’t be going anywhere this early if I didn’t have to.”

The kiss chased the doubt monkey away temporarily. But only a little. She tried to remember what day it was. Friday. Which meant that she was going to have her first day at Saints headquarters.

Only now she was going to have to do it without Lucas there. “Any chance you need me to fly you into Manhattan?”

He shook his head, bending to slide his foot into a shoe. “No, I’ll find my own way this time.” Then he paused, twisting back to look at her as he tied the laces. “Are you nervous about going to Deacon? Gardner will introduce you around. And I’ll come back, if I can.”

She managed a smile. It wasn’t as though there was an argument she could make other than I’m nervous. There hadn’t been enough time the other day for her to meet anyone else at the Saints, and she’d sort of been counting on Lucas being there now. But that just didn’t rate against someone who needed medical attention.

She was just going to have to suck it up. She could do it. If she could leave home and join the army, she could manage to deal with a new job.

That part was easier than dealing with the fact that she’d slept with Lucas again and that, during their very long night, it had become crystal clear that she wasn’t ready to stop sleeping with him anytime soon. And he was her boss.

“I don’t want anyone at the Saints to know about us,” she said as he started to tie his other shoe.

Silence. He finished tying the shoe then straightened slowly. “Forever?”

“For now,” she said. “Is that okay?”

“Mal and Alex won’t care,” Lucas said.

“Maybe not. But I will. I have to work with them. They need to trust my piloting skills if I’m going to be worth what you’re paying me. So I don’t want them thinking that you only hired me because I slept with you.”

“Technically you weren’t sleeping with me when I hired you.”

“That’s not the point.”

“Mal and Alex are my best friends,” he said. “It’s not really feasible that I’m never going to mention you.”

She pulled the quilt tighter around her. The heating in this apartment was temperamental and apparently this morning it hadn’t yet kicked in, making the air chilly. “This is brand new,” she said. “We have no idea if it’s even going to last. So let’s not do the friends-and-family bit, just yet. Okay? Just for a little while. That’s all I’m asking.”

“You getting ready to kick me out of your bed?”

“Right now, no,” she said. “But like I said, this is new. In a few more weeks we might annoy the crap out of each other.”

He cocked his head as he slid his heavy watch onto his wrist. “After last night, do you think that’s likely?”

“I think last night proved we’re good in bed. That doesn’t equal good at life together. So let’s keep it under wraps for now.”

“You want me to be your secret boy toy.”

She smiled. “Well, who doesn’t want a secret gorgeous sexy boy toy?”

“Now you’re just appealing to my male vanity.”

“Is it working?”