Page 50 of Angel In Armani

She didn’t know whether to be charmed or appalled. “You could have just asked me.”

“Would you have said yes?”

“Probably not.”

“That’s why my way is better,” he said. “C’mon, Sara. Just dinner. Let’s talk. See what happens. You never know, we might bore each other senseless and then your problem is solved.”

She really didn’t think there was a possibility in hell that he would bore her senseless over dinner. Not that she was going to tell him that. She should say no. The simple and safe plan was to say no.

“Just dinner,” he repeated. “You must be hungry. It’s nearly eight.”

He had that part right at least. She was starving. She’d been thinking wistfully of the red chicken curry takeout she’d planned for the evening ever since Lucas had told her of his change of plans.

Just dinner. How bad could it be?

“There’s a diner a block or so west of here. Meet me there and we can catch a cab,” she said.

“There’s a taxi stand just outside the terminal,” he said.

“Yes, but I’m not getting into cab with you in full view of everyone here. They all know me. And I’m guessing most of them know you.” she said. “Go to the diner and wait for me. I’ve got to do a few things first.” Not least of which was try to work out if she could make herself look like someone that Lucas Angelo might be taking out for dinner.

“What do you feel like eating?” he asked.

“I like food,” she said. “You choose.” She glanced down at her uniform. “Nothing too upmarket. I’m not dressed for upmarket.”

“You look great.”

“Maybe, but that doesn’t change the fact I’m not dressed for an expensive New York dinner.”

“Okay.” He paused, with his hand on the door. “You’re not going to leave me standing out there in the dark, are you?”

“Well, that would be kind of dumb given I have to fly you home later,” she pointed out. “So just go. I’ll be ten minutes.”

It was actually more like fifteen because the girls doing the admin with her were full of curiosity about Lucas. Apparently he was something of a frequent flier here at the heliport and had his own little fan club.

“What were you talking about?” Jenna asked. Of all the girls who worked here, Sara had known Jenna the longest. But she wasn’t exactly a BFF and there was no way Sara was telling her she was going out to dinner with Lucas.

“He was telling me about one of his cases,” Sara lied.

“Oh yeah. He’s a surgeon, right?”

“That’s right.”

Jenna sighed. “A hot rich doctor. And you get to fly him around. Nice work.”

“He’s just another passenger,” Sara said.

Jenna narrowed her eyes. “You have too many hot passengers if you think that man is just another passenger,” she said. Her expression turned curious. “One of Ron Harris’s pilots came through this morning. He said you had a gig flying for the New York Saints. So you get to fly with all three of the guys who bought the team. Is that true?”

No point denying it. “Yes.”

Jenna actually squealed and clapped her hands. “That is so awesome! What are they like? Is Alex Winters as hot as he looks on TV? Dish.”

“It’s great. And no comment,” Sara said with an apologetic smile. Then she signed the paperwork and fled before she could be grilled about anything else.

The restaurant Lucas directed the cab to was in the East Village. A tiny place that he told her served the best Greek food in the city. She was starting to feel like she could eat a horse, so she wasn’t too fussed about the restaurant’s credentials. She just wanted food.

Food would level out her blood sugar and then she wouldn’t feel quite so floaty and silly every time she looked at Lucas, right?