Page 48 of Summer Nights

It feels like the drive flies by with the amount of fun we're having. Each of us soaking up every second we can. The minute I see the airport come into view, I feel like I could be sick. Emotion gets stuck in my throat and I have to work to swallow it down. The entire mood in the car changes as the music is turned down. Dawson’s hand sneaks around the head rest and he rubs my shoulder.

“It's going to be okay, baby.”

Nicky tries to reassure me as well. His hand reaching out and grabbing my thigh. I give him a quick glance. “He's right, baby girl. We're going to make this work. I plan on annoying the shit out of you.” He chuckles. “Facetimes, text messages every chance that I get. Calling you every night just to see how your day was.”

I quickly find a parking spot before the tears that are building in my eyes blur my vision completely. Once I rip the hand break up, Nicky grabs a hold of my shoulders and turns me to face him.

“There's not a chance any of us are just going to forget about you, Scarlett. You're it for us.”

And there goes the waterworks. I've never been a big crier. It's not like I’m a ridiculously strong bitch who shows no emotion but it normally takes a bit to get me going. These guys just seem to hit the nail on the fucking head.

“Please don’t forget about me.” The words of fear that I've suppressed coming to the forefront. While I absolutely fucking hate the fact that the boys are leaving, my biggest fear is that once they get home, they will simply forget that I existed. That what we have shared has all just been a fling and not absolutely life changing. Well, for me it has at least.

“I've just had the best month of my life and now you guys have to go away. It isn’t fair.” Heartbreak clings to every word I manage to choke out.

“Scarlett,” Dawson grumbles from the back seat. I turn to look at him, needing to wipe the tears from my eyes so I can actually see him instead of a blurry blob.

“I'm only going to say this once. We would never be able to forget you. This is not the ending. It's only just the beginning.”

I nod at Dawson’s words. Letting them set in and doing everything I can to believe him.

“Come on.” Nicky says. “We better get moving. Pres would butcher us if we missed our flight.” He laughs but there is something in his voice that indicates to me it's probably not far from the truth.

We all pile out of the car and even though I offer, Nicky and Dawson refuse to let me take even one of their bags for them. Stubborn fucking men.

We meet Dacre, Pike and Sonny at the front of the departure doors. They each have a broken look on their face. Pike brings me into his embrace, keeping his arm firmly around my shoulders as we walk through the terminal. I help get the guys baggage all checked in and we head through security. I can’t help but giggle watching how the officers all give the boys pat downs.

By the time they manage to get through security, the announcement has already come calling all passengers onto the plane. The earlier sense of dread and anxiety seems to bear down on me further.

I'm engulfed in a tight hug. Just by scent alone, I can tell it's Dacre.

“I've already said it once but I'm going to say it again. Nothing changes okay, Scarlett. You're my girl. Mine. No one else apart from the five of us gets to have you and no one but you gets to have us. I swear it on my fucking life.” He says before he slowly pulls away. His hands are still in my hair. “You are mine.” He punctuates each word.

I nod. “And you're mine, sweet boy.” Dacre steps away from me with a broken smile, letting Nicky take his place. He pulls me tight to his chest.

“Everything I said in the car I meant.” I nod in reply. Feeling as he kisses the top of my head before leaning down and kissing my lips. It's slow and feels like a goodbye.

He eventually lets me go, handing me to Dawson. He doesn’t say anything as he looks me in the eye but he doesn’t need to. He's said everything I needed to hear. He just simply leans in, kisses my mouth and pulls away. I watch as the walls he had let down this past month slowly creep back up and I can't help the way my heart bleeds for him.

Pike steps into view then. Tears welling in his eyes. The look on his face makes my heart break even further. “It's not a goodbye.” I say, rushing him, wrapping my arms around his middle I engulf him in a hug. “Promise me, Pike. It's not a goodbye.”

I feel his head nod. “It's not a goodbye.” He kisses the top of my head before stepping away.

Sonny is the last to step forward.

“Ninguna distancia es demasiado grande. No hay cantidad de tiempo que pueda pasar sin que esté fascinado por ti. Eres mi nueva obsesión y hasta que no nos volvamos a ver pasaré mis días soñando contigo, mi amor.”

I don’t understand the majority of what Sonny says but I nod in all the same. I feel what he said to me in my heart. His eyes communicate the same feelings.

I break down at that point as the last of my guys steps away from me for god only knows how long.

“The minute we get home, we'll message you okay, Scar. I don’t give a fuck if it wakes you up.” Dawson says. His voice firm.

I nod. “Travel safe.”

They each give me a small nod. Sonny blows me a kiss that I make sure to catch. I watch as the five men that I have all but fallen in love with walk away from me.

Chapter Twenty