Page 100 of Hott Take

“I hate you all!” I groan.

But I don’t. I love every last flipping one of them.

“Later,” I whisper to Ivy. “We’re going to have the best sex of our lives.”

“Holding you to that,” she whispers back.

I reach for her hand and slide the ring off her right ring finger.

And then, my eyes never leaving hers, I sink to one knee. Because she deserves to be treated like a queen.

“Ivy Scofield,” I say, “I can’t fly. I don’t actually own any leather clothing. And I can’t win a swordfight worth shit.”

“That’s okay,” she says. “Because I can’t fix an engine, and I hate overalls. They give me a wedgie.”

It takes us a while to stop laughing. I take a deep breath and get serious.

“But I love you with my body, mind, and soul, and if you will let me, I will spend the rest of my life showing you exactly how much I mean that.”

“Me, too,” she whispers.

“Will you marry me?”

She grins at me. Not the secret smile. The brightest sunny day smile. “It’s very nice of you to ask again,” she says, tugging me up to my feet. “But I meant it the first time when I said yes.”

From the other side of the door, I hear an avalanche of applause and cheers.



Miraculously, the Tobuary wedding—to which everyone who helped save the wedding is invited—goes off without a hitch.

No one comes forward to claim that they’re pregnant with Tobias’s baby or that they’ve cheated with January.

No one jumps in when the rector says, “Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

The invited photographers show up, and the uninvited paparazzi are kept at bay by January’s private security.

And Shane and I get to dance together at the wedding that should have, or maybe shouldn’t have, been ours. It doesn’t really matter because we’re so ridiculously happy.

After Shane told me his ring was on my finger to stay, I reannounced our engagement to the Hott siblings and Sonya’s friends. Shane and I stopped by Nia and Akemi’s place after we left Hanna’s so we could reannounce to them, too.

Nia jumped up and down. “You’re going to marry Shane fucking Hott!”

“I guess I am!” I said happily.

Then I called my mother in Spain, woke her up, and told her. She had somehow managed not to catch a single whiff of our fake engagement, so she was very excited, in a brand new way, for the real one.

She said we needed to come visit her so she could meet him. Nia grabbed the phone from me and said if she wanted to meet Shane, she should watch the Crown of Spires movies. I grabbed the phone back and said she should meet actual Shane because Mavryx was nothing like actual Shane.

“Except for the sword,” Shane murmured against my other ear.

Couldn’t argue with that.

Now I float in his arms to song after song. His breath sifting through my hair makes every nerve ending in my body stand on end. We’ve had sex so many times in the past couple of days, you’d think we’d be over it, but I just want him more.

And apparently he feels the same way because he says, “Do you think anyone would notice if we cut out early?”