Page 68 of Hott Take

“You should use your fame for good and make some TikToks about Rush Creek Bakery,” she says.

I wince.

“Your assistant could do a few of those, couldn’t he?” Hanna asks me.


“Sure, why not?” I say. “Next time he’s in town with me, I’ll send him by.”

“Ah, but they’ll only be good if you’re in them!” Nan says.

I suppress a groan. “Gotcha. So he and I’ll drop by, put something together, and post it on my account.”

She rubs her hands together. “Fame and fortune, here I come!”

Given that Nan is notorious in Rush Creek for being stubborn about staffing up for the tourist season, I’m not sure how she’d handle TikTok-level success…but since there’s not a huge chance that’ll happen, I let it go.

“And in exchange, you can give me a yearlong fifteen percent discount on cakes,” Hanna says.

The two of them! They’re worse sharks than Preston.

“Ten,” Nan says. “And only on orders placed at least six weeks in advance.”

“Fifteen,” Hanna says, “but only on orders placed at least eight weeks in advance.”

I shake my head admiringly as they seal the deal.

Just then, the door jingles and Ivy steps through. And God. It’s like she’s hotwired to me at some deep level because pretty much every part of me reacts. First off, she looks absolutely gorgeous in an orange dress covered with yellow flowers that hugs her amazing body. My fingers tingle with the need to have my hands on her again, stroking those perfect-handful breasts and the curve that flares from her waist to her hips—and utterly squeezable ass. I want to be back in her house, pushing her up against her front door, burying my face in her pussy.

But it’s not just the surge of lust that knocks me backward. It’s how simply glad I am to see her. Just having her in the room makes me feel lighter and happier.

“Hey!” she says. “Hi, Nan! Hi, Hanna! Hi, Shane.”

She looks at me, and the world pauses for a moment because I can tell from her smile and the soft, pleased tone of her voice that she’s as happy to see me as I am to see her, and that stops my breath.

“Hey,” I say and take a step toward her. Then another. Then I tug her to me and plant a kiss on her forehead, smoothing her hair back, grateful to have her in my arms.

“Aren’t they the cutest!” Nan says. “Okay, you two, let’s get down to business.”

She darts back to the kitchen and comes out with a huge slice of cake—one plate, three forks—and sets it down between us.

“Berry Madness,” she says.

Ivy digs a fork into the tender cake. I’m about to take a bite of my own when she slides hers into her mouth. I freeze, transfixed, as her expression softens into bliss. Her eyes drift closed and she hums approval, and my cock gets hard.

I’m not going to be able to taste any of this cake.

“Holy crap, that’s good,” Ivy moans.

I already had plans for this woman tonight, but now I really have plans.

“Shane?” Nan asks.

I wake from my daze to find both Nan and Hanna watching me watch Ivy, amused expressions on their faces.

I put the bite in my mouth. It tastes like dust. All I can think about is the taste of Ivy. Her mouth. Her skin. Her pussy.

“Whatever Ivy wants is good with me,” I say.