Page 32 of Hott Take

“What, like you’re Mavryx and I’m Lady Whatserface?”

He laughs at that. “No. I’m Mavryx, and you’re Oriana.”

I hesitate.

“I know,” he says. “I don’t love it when people confuse me and Mavryx, either, but in this case? I think it’ll get the fans really excited—and that’s what we need.”

“But Mavryx and Oriana don’t even exist in the same…world?”

“Do you trust me?”

“Not at all.”

That makes him laugh.

“Let me be more specific. Would you trust me to stage the best public marriage proposal you’ve ever gotten?”

“Better than Anthony’s?”

“Promise. This marriage proposal will guarantee that Anthony’s stays on ice for all eternity.”

I search his face. He’s been honest with me so far. Plus, he exudes a deep confidence, bordering on cockiness, and I’ll admit it: I want to know what it would feel like to put myself in his hands.

Not literally, of course.

But I could let him take the lead on this. See where it goes.

I nod, and he pumps a fist.

“Don’t make me regret this,” I warn.

“I won’t,” he says.

I don’t completely believe him.



Shane whips his phone out.

“Who are you texting?” I ask.

“You said you trusted me.”

“I didn’t mean it.”

He rolls his eyes at me.

“Just tell me?” I plead.

“I’m texting Quinn’s wife. Sonya. I need her to mobilize her posse.”


“Just take my word for it. And text me your sister’s number, too.”

“My sister’s?—”