Page 83 of Hott Take

It’s taken me a while to understand everything that’s going on. Apparently before Shane asked me to become his fake fiancée, there was another celebrity wedding, between January Stark and Tobias Bauer, that was supposed to fulfill the terms of the will. Only Tobias got another woman pregnant, there was a big public stink, and—it fell apart.

Enter the fake wedding between me and Shane.

Only it turns out that Tobias didn’t get Lilla Thornton pregnant at all. One of her girlfriends came out and admitted that Lilla faked the whole thing for publicity.

“But he still cheated on her…?” I ask.

“No,” Hanna says. “He slept with Lilla before he and January got together. He never cheated on January. He was only going to marry Lilla because she was pregnant and he thought it was the right thing to do. But when the truth came out, they canceled the wedding, and ever since then, he’s been trying to convince January to give him another chance. Apparently last night she finally said yes to him?—”

“And now they want ‘their wedding’ back,” Shane says, air quoting it. “With less than two weeks to go.”

I should be relieved at the thought of January and Tobias taking back our wedding. It simplifies my life dramatically. No wedding, no divorce, no muss, no fuss.

But what I mostly feel is…sad.

Sad that I won’t get to be Shane’s wife—not even his fake wife.

And the sadness tells me everything I didn’t want to know.

I’m in love with him.

Somewhere along the way, I let myself fall so hard for this guy that fake marrying him was going to feel like a win—and this, admitting the game is up, feels like a loss.

“Yeah,” Hanna says. “They called and asked if the date was still available?—”

“And you said?” Shane raises one eyebrow.

“I said I wasn’t sure.”

He snorts. “They must have loved that.”

“I said I had to check on a few things and that I’d get back to them ASAP.”

“And we’re your few things,” Shane says.

“I mean—yeah.” She aims a hard look at him. Then at me. “I can tell Tobuary to go fuck themselves. But I need to know you’re sure Weggers believes you two are the real thing.”

I’m the real thing.

Are you?

Of course that’s not what Hanna’s asking us. She’s asking us what Weggers believes. And Shane says what I’m thinking:

“I think we have to ask Weggers.”

“Ask him straight out? Like, do you buy that Shane and Ivy are in love, or would you be more comfortable endorsing January and Tobias?”

“I mean, that’s what you want to know, isn’t it?”

Hanna sighs. “I guess so.”

Twenty minutes later, Weggers is in Hanna’s office.

“So you’re saying you have two celebrity weddings?” he says, looking as confused as I felt when Hanna first explained the situation to us.

“Sort of,” she says. “They’re technically…at the same time. So we can only have one of them. The other would have to be…postponed. Which would put it out of the time frame of the will’s requirements. So I guess you could say we’re asking you…which wedding would you…er, feel better about?”

Weggers puffs out his chest, and I have to fight to keep from laughing. Only the little bald attorney would take it as a point of pride to be asked his opinion on which of two couples is more in love.