Page 82 of Accidental Daddies

James cleared his throat and straightened his suit jacket. “He’s moved up very quickly. You’ll be in good hands under him.”

Gerald looked over at me, his steel-colored eyes briefly skating over my body. The looks were never long enough to be obvious, but I got a chill down my back with every one of them. Even as perfectly shaved and manicured as he was, I still felt like I was being watched by a dirty old man. “James, leave us.”

James nodded at our boss and then stood up. While staring down at me, something passed over his face that I couldn’t quite name but it looked a lot like pity. His muttered parting didn’t make me feel much better. “Good luck.”

Maybe I just needed to throw myself out of a window instead. That would have to feel better than being left alone in a room with Gerald, being forced to listen to him offer me soft apologies and useless promises to look into things for me. I knew his song and dance, down to the way he’d pat my back.

“Sophia, I think you’re a great asset to Anderson Inc.. It’s employees like you that really keep us growing and moving towards the future in a positive way. I’m sorry James doesn’t see that. I wish there was something I could do.” Unfolding his lanky body to his full height, he walked around his desk and leaned against the front of it. “My offer still stands. If you want me to step in and do something about this, I will. For you. I would normally never question my managers but if you ask me, I’ll do it.”

It was hard to keep my face neutral. I had a feeling that Gerald Anderson would give me the promotion if I acted friendlier with him. His glances and the subtle ways he offered to do special favors for me gave me the distinct impression that he’d love to help me out. It felt like a situation where I’d be expected to scratch his back after he scratched mine, though, and I had no intention of ever touching his back.

“I don’t expect special treatment, Mr. Anderson. I just want fair treatment.” I ground my teeth together when he moved closer. His big, overly tanhand rested on my shoulder and stayed there, leaving me internally cringing away. “I’m fine. Thank you for your offer, but I’m not interested in breaking protocol to get ahead. If Mr. Flannery doesn’t think I’m a good fit for the role, I’ll accept that answer for now.”

He gently squeezed my shoulder, twisting his thin lips down in a faux frown. “I know this has to be hard for you. You’re a devoted employee and I’m lucky to have you, Sophia.”

Desperate to get his hand off of me, I stood up and backed away, putting my chair between us. “I need to finish a few things at my desk before I can go home for the day.”

“Such a hard worker. Go on, Sophia. I’ll see you bright and early Monday morning.” He walked back around to his chair and sat down, unbuttoning his suit jacket as he did. “Remember my offer, though, Sophia. Things aren’t always fair in this business. A favor can be just the thing you need to get ahead sometimes.”

I walked towards his office door with the feeling of his eyes on me. “Have a good weekend, Mr. Anderson.”

“You, too, Sophia.”

I avoided his secretary’s gaze as I walked past her desk. Tiffany was ten years younger than me and there were rumors about her relationship with Gerald, but I didn’t believe them. People just talked when they saw a woman alone with her boss in our business environment. I didn’t believe that rumor about the woman, but I did think she was a jerk who felt powerful because of who her boss was.

“Better luck next time, Sophia.” Tiffany sounded amused as she watched me hurry towards the elevators.

I pretended not to hear her and kept my head down as I made my way down to the fortieth floor. I rushed through shutting down my computer and clearing my desk so I could get out of there as fast as possible. I needed to get away from the entire place before I just lost it and screamed.

Still, I had to take a moment once I was sitting behind the wheel of my car. Resting my head on the seat, I blew out a deep breath. I’d known when going in that morning that I probably wouldn’t get the promotion. I couldn’t help feeling crushed, though. I worked hard. I spent so much of my life at Anderson Inc. and I was more than qualified for the promotion I wanted. There was an itch at the back of my mind that told me I was never going to move up in the company if I didn’t play nice with Gerald.

Since I was never going to do that, I needed to figure out my next move. I could start looking for other-

A call came through on my car speakers, distracting me from whatever big plans I might’ve gotten to. That was the thing about life. Change was hard enough but when my time wasn’t my own, I didn’t even have the energy to look for better options.

“Hi, Mrs. Johnson.” I tried not to sound completely bothered by the elderly woman who lived across the street from me.

“That boy with the colored hair is using that chainsaw again, Sophia.” Her voice wobbled and I could practically see her clutching the fake pearl necklace she never took off. “It’s a nuisance. The whole neighborhood is filled with the sound of that thing. And his hair is offensive. When are you going to do something about this?”

I rubbed my temples. My time definitely was not my own. Sighing, I put my car in gear and pulled out of my space. “I’m on my way home now, Mrs. Johnson.”