“You mean backyard disaster.” Mia began unloading the items Lexi had brought in, quickly lining them up and discarding the bags. “No, he hasn’t been by today.”
Lexi’s brow wrinkled and she grabbed her phone and quickly dialed Noah’s number. It rang four times before going to voicemail.
Heavy booted footsteps echoed down the hall, Wes entered the kitchen, wiping his hands on a towel. “That’s got to dry for about a week before you can use it.”
“Tell that to Nolan before he goes feral and throws me on the counter next time.”
“Ah, so now the truth comes out–”
“Wes,” Lexi cut into their conversation. “Have you heard from him?”
“Huh, who?”
“Noah, sorry. I haven’t seen him in two days.”
“Not today, I’m sure he’s at the shop. He’s usually using quiet Tuesday’s as drawing time for upcoming clients.”
“Wait, no, no he wasn’t at the shop. I went before I came here. That’s why I was early for once. Are you sure Wes?” Unease filled her belly and she worriedly moved around the room gathering her things and leaving what she’d brought Mia.
“I could be mistaken.”
“No, no I don’t think you are.”
Hunched over the counter in his bathroom, Noah couldn’t look away from his reflection in the mirror. His eyes were bloodshot from tossing all night with no sleep to be found.
Memories of Lexi’s cries echoed in his head. Bound and writhing against her ties as he slowly moved the hot pen tip across her skin. Etching and scaring into her skin. The scent of her still lingered.
Her moans and reactions would have him hard. Ready to claim and fuck her into the mattress until she was sore and filled with his cum.
Instead, he was disgusted with himself. Guilt and self-loathing ate at him, pulled at the edges of his mind. He felt no better than the abusive asshole from her past.
“Noah!? Babe?” Lexi’s voice echoed down the hall.
With a sigh, Noah ran his fingers through his hair and stood up, scrubbing his hands over his face. He smiled at her through his reflection, giving her his best brave face. "Hey."
By the worried look in her eyes, she didn't buy it.
Without a word she closed the distance between them and ran her hand along his cheek. He sighed heavily and she turned him toward her body. He rested his head on her shoulder with a frustrated sigh.
With his eyes closed Noah breathed in her scent letting it momentarily comfort him. It was a few moments before he allowed himself to relax and wrap his arms around her waist.
Lexi ran her fingers through his hair soothing him until his breathing calmed and his heartbeat slowed. "I haven't seen you..."
"I know, I promised to take care of you and redress it, I'm sorry I dropped the ball. It was neglectful of me as your dominant."
"Not everyone has to be happy and present at all times, Noah. I was able to take care of it myself."
The words that were meant to comfort had the opposite effect and his chest tightened as his nose clogged. "Damnit."
"Hey, don't beat yourself up." She stepped back forced him to look her in the eyes. "Tell me you understand that. I don't blame or begrudge you."
"I was supposed to be there," He insisted, dropping to his knees and lifting her skirt to check the marks on her skin.
She comforted him silently as he checked over the healing blistered skin. He'd done a remarkable job with the line work and he could see how their once wild idea had come to fruition. He released a sigh, thankful he hadn't harmed her beyond their agreement.
"See, it's okay and I'm okay."