He continued with a calculated and merciless rhythm, specifically targeting the sensitive parts of her body until the ache became too much.

"Sir! Oh, fuck, please!”

Without further hesitation, Noah dropped the flogger and invaded Lexi’s space, pressing his chest against hers and sparking each welt to life.

Lexi’s breathing was labored, her chest heaved as tears filled her eyes. She rolled her head back and forth. He was overwhelming her system, heightening her need for him.

“You’re such a pretty little mess, sweet pea.” He lovingly wiped sweat from her brow and peered into her eyes. “I’m not done with you.”

He walked away with those ominous words.

Lexi licked her parched lips, wiggling in her bonds as the cool air of the room made it impossible to ignore the welts that bloomed across her chest and thighs.

When he returned, his jeans were opened and he held out his next implement of torment. “It looks so innocent,” he remarked, falling to his knees in front of her.

“Oh my fuck, fuck, fuck.” Her eyes landed on the pulsing penguin in his hand. It might be small and look unassuming, but that’s where its innocence ended.

Especially in her dominant’s hands.

“Yes, sweet pea? Do you now see the error of your ways?”

“Sir…” Lexi curled her toes as her pussy clenched at the memory.

“Careful, you remember what begging got you last time, don’t you?” He pinched her thigh sharply to get her attention. “What happened last time, Lex?”

“Yo-u.” Her voice was strained, and she cleared her throat before continuing. “I bruised myself and Sir made me pass out.” She sniffled, trying to clear her nose.

“Yeah, yeah you did. Do we want to make it two in a row?”

“No, Sir.”

“That’s my girl.” Noah wrapped an arm around her waist from his kneeling position in front of the cross. His hand gripped the cheek of her ass, preventing her from moving away from the evil toy he sparked to life.

“Oh fuck.” A low groan escaped her, and her hips jerked when he made first contact with her throbbing clit. The slow, methodical pulse teased her already sensitive pussy, and her vision went white behind her eyes.

Lexi's breathing became ragged, her thighs trembling as a wave of pleasure shot through her body. Wetness ran down her thighs, and she was helpless to clench her knees closed to hide from the onslaught of her arousal.

Noah amped up the suction, moving closer to her clit, and bringing her to the edge of losing control. She moaned louder as he increased the intensity, pressing with all his might against the little toy, urging it on even faster.

The sensation was too much for Lexi, and she felt herself being propelled to the edge. Her pleasure ricocheted around her body like electricity seeking a current to ground itself against. Noah pulled away just before the first waves of her orgasm could take hold, leaving her frustrated in its wake.

"Naughty little Lexi. You didn't ask permission."

How could he expect her to think when he did these things to her?

"M-may I come? Pl-oh, fuck."


On and on he went, ratcheting up the intensity. Tormenting her as she clawed at the cuffs holding her captive, struggling to keep herself from crying out. It felt so good, and her body yearned for his touch, dragging out her punishment.

Finally, when she was nearly delirious with pleasure, Noah stilled his hand and pulled away, leaving her bereft. The reprieve wasn't long lived, he brought the toy back to her and attacked her clit with a vengeance.

He gazed up at her, his hands roamed over every bit of flesh he could reach from his position.

“No-no-n-n-Noah!” Lexi panted , struggling against her restraints. Her mind’s sole focus honed to the pulsing between her legs.

Pulse. Pulse. Pulse.