“You know what I’m talking about, spill.”

“ Me ? C’mon I need some more to go on.” Lexi placed her finger between her lips, rolling her eyes at Mia. “It’s hot out, call it heat stroke but dumb it down.”


“He’s great. A real stevedore in the sack, but I don’t think Nolan would like the idea of shar–”

“Alexis Rae, don’t give me that shit. What's going on between you and Noah?” Mia asked her friend with her head cocked to one side.

Lexi sighed. “That obvious?”

“Well, this is about the time you run, we’ve never gotten this far.” Mia sounded proud and Lexi sat with it, sinking the kitchen into silence.

“Don’t I know it. He is asking for a huge commitment.”

“It’s only natural. He loves you.”

“I know. Every time he looks at me, I know .”

“Lex? I know you better than anyone. Why won’t you let him love you?” She ignored Mia and huffed, picking at the cream linen in her lap. “You let me.”

“We’re not orgasm friends,” Lexi teased half-heartedly, unable to articulate the words for what she was feeling. “I—”

“He sees you like I do. He isn’t Jared.”

Lexi visibly shuddered, hearing his name was a bucket of ice water and a simultaneous kick to the gut. “Hearing that name—”

“I know. I was there.”

“You were my battle buddy. I wouldn't be here without you.” Broken and bruised, it took months for the physical damage to heal—she wasn’t having much success healing emotionally. It was putting her relationship to the test.

“Yes, you would. You’re the strongest person I know, but you never give yourself credit. ” The achievements she’d made in her career were ones she was proud of. They’d taken the time after Mia’s husband Evan died and poured all their energy into it. Building something they worked for together, something to be proud of. She was lucky in business, not love.

“My life is one bad decision after another, Mia.” Just because you were a fighter didn’t mean you wanted to fight battle after battle. The soul needed rest.

“Am I one? Zander? Setting Nolan and I up? Being there for me when my world fell apart?”

“No.” Lexi looked to the ceiling, refusing to let the tears fall. She sniffled wetly and rested her head against the wall, looking at her friend who knew her too well.

“Noah isn’t one either. He’s not a reckless decision.”


“Lean on him. Let him in.” Mia put her hands on her hips and shook her head. “He’s going to keep asking you until you say yes.”

“You sound like you know that for a fact.”

“I do. He’s going to love you enough for the both of you.”

“I’m a lemon, Mia. A broken shell of a hu—What?”

Mia was heading toward the door, her handle on the knob when she looked at Lexi pointedly. “ I think it's time Noah got more Dom lessons from Nolan .”

“Fuck. He had enough tips with the last shit he brought home.”

“You’re not getting away from answering me.”

“Damn mom tone.”