“It’s going in the living room.” Images of Lexi secured to the custom piece flashed through his mind, and his cock sprang to life. “Strapped down like the fuckin’ feast she is.” He could see her whining and struggling while he sketched designs for his clients.

“I’ll be sure to double seal it from all types of weather and moisture.”

“I’m already thinking of another one. I want to do walnut, for the bedroom this time.” Someday they’d get a place big enough to have a dedicated playroom. Noah wanted all the toys at his disposal when it came to playing Lexi’s body like a fiddle.

She sang so beautifully for him. Moaning and begging for another taste of he’d decided to do at the time.

“What’s your next devious idea? You keep me on my toes, I’m going to commission you as my stylist.”

“You wish, my artist brain is on overload. You did pretty well yourself when it came to that rocking horse.”

“Yeah.” Wes’ grin widened and his brown eyes darkened. “I can’t wait until I get to watch a freshly spanked ass ride the punishment horse while I watch.”

“You’re a sadist.”


“You like to make them cry for Daddy.”

“Hmmm,” he hummed happily. “Yes, yes, I do.” Wes sipped his drink, gesturing for Noah to continue with his idea.

“A modified queening chair, open butterfly thigh straps with an under base for piston detachable.”

“Yet you say I’m the sadist.”

“A bolt point for the wrists behind the seat if possible. However, the front will do if it’s not feasible.”

“I wish all my clients were as easy and perverted to work with as you.”

“A compliment of the highest order,” Noah cheered, leaning back in his seat. They sunk into silence, enjoying the dark corner. He noticed one of the members catch his attention, smiling and waving before darting straight toward them.

Claudia approached them, smiling and bouncing her raven ringlets, pulling the men's attention. “Hey, hey! Noah, I didn’t see you in the needle room.” She pouted, pressing her lips together and crossing her arms.

“Sorry, kid, I’m playing tonight. Whatcha need?”

“I want laces, I’ve talked with my dominant and it’s something I want.”

“Are you doing calf or biting the bullet and going all the way? That can be anywhere from eighteen to twenty-two, each leg.”

“I’m going in with the intention of biting the bullet but request we start from the ankles up as a precaution and safety net if needed.”

“Good choice. Smart one. I can see you next week, I’ll be out of town for a few days by the end of the week. Protein bar and water before you come in. Headphones to zone out.”

“Yes, Sir.” Claudia batted her big blue eyes, nibbling her lip as her gaze bounced back and forth between the two broad-shouldered men. “Would you two be up for a scene? Sir wants me to find a third for negotiations.”

“I’m spoken for, Lidia , you know that.”

Her big eyes turned toward Wes who quickly shook his head. Noah could tell there wasn’t a submissive in the building that would satisfy the need of his friend tonight or any other. Noah could only hope Wes and Melody stopped dancing around each other.

Wes pointed with his glass in hand, directing their attention away from their surprise guest. “Speaking of, there’s your girl.”

Noah turned his attention toward the elevators and let out a strangled groan when the ding signaled her arrival. He took in the sight of Lexi walking down the stairs that curved around the elevator column.

Lexi’s hair was loose around her shoulders and back. She wore silver heels with leather straps that wound up her calf and also matched the stack of rose and white gold bangles she wore.

“Fuck,” Noah swore; he barely noticed Claudia slip away from their table. He took in the sight of her black, high-slit wrap, then caught sight of the lace she wore beneath it as she walked. The deep crimson slip was a beacon for him to have her begging beneath him.

“Wait a minute, did I miss something? You never told me about the other night. What happened? I thought you had big plans with ya girl. I would have heard them screaming across the club by now.”