“I didn’t think you’d be here. I was waiting for Noah.”

“He’ll be here any minute I’m sure.”

Taking a sip of her drink, Lexi looked around the room, seeing familiar faces milling around, but not the one she wanted to see.

“I hope you’re right.” She’d made a last ditch effort for his attention after her moment with Nolan and tucked ‘I love you’ notes into his travel bag, hoping to convey her feelings in a better way.

“Don’t you know I’m always right.”

Lexi smiled warmly at her friend and looped her arm under hers, linking them at the elbow.

Mia patted her arm in reassurance. “You know, for an only child, you make an amazing sister.”

“So do you,” she smirked with a shrug. Lexi picked up her drink and surveyed the open space of the play area and wondered where Noah was.

“Ladies,” Nolan’s voice broke into her thoughts, she looked up at him as he placed a drink in front of her. He placed another in front of Mia and he slid into the booth next to her.

Taking the offered drink, she brought it to her lips and avoided eye contact with Nolan, uneasy about the other night and completely aware of the emotional vulnerability he had pried out of her.

“No, Daddy, please.” Mia wiggled in his hold.

“Hush, butterfly. I’m allowed to touch any part of you.”

“Yes, but since the baby now I’m a Squishmallow.”

Nolan narrowed his eyes, and he growled disapprovingly. “You really want soap tonight.”

“No! I’m just feeling—” Mia shifted in her seat, cheeks flushing red and she looked away from his intense gaze.

Unwilling to let her hide from him, Nolan fisted her hair and kisses her soundly. “Let’s go. I’ll change your way of thinking. String you up in the middle of the club and force you to come until you think better of yourself.”

Mia’s brown eyes rounded, inching away to press herself against the back of the booth. Unwilling to let her avoid him, he leaned in and invaded her space. “Nolan…” she whispered.

“Yes, butterfly?”


His chuckle was rich and filled with promise. “Yes, but you’ll regret it.”

Nolan pulled her from the booth and onto her feet

“I hope so!” Mia laughed as Nolan hoisted his sub over his shoulder. A firm swat to her ass, and he turned to say goodbye to the other couple.

“Go!” Lexi shooed them off, throwing Mia a playful kiss. Watching her friend go brought a smile to her face, glad that things were falling into place for them.

Anxiously she swirled the ice in her glass, looking around the club for Noah, unsure if she wanted the confrontation to be here in front of their friends where he couldn’t hide. The alternative gave her ample space to back out.

“Fuck this.” She tossed down her drink and headed for the exit. She couldn’t wait any longer.


To say he was surprised to see Lexi in his bed when he got home late would be an understatement. They’d been out of sync lately and neither of them could find their footing.

He walked through the door to the bedroom and three heads popped up, two canine, and one ravishing red head that he wanted nothing more than to fall into bed with her.


“I was waiting for you.”