Of course, he was.

There’s no way an insatiable man like Lochlan goes months without sex.

“What are you doing here, Shana?” Lena asks gruffly.

“What do you think?” Her smile broadens before she strolls up to the door the guard opens for her and saunters inside like she lives here.

Lena, Toni, and I all follow behind her, right up the stairs, then down the hallway into Lochlan’s bedroom, like she’s been here before. Then the bitch shuts the door behind her.

That…that…son of a bitch!

Lochlan invited her here to our house when he thought I would be gone for hours?

He was with her when I was attacked? That’s why he had to miss dinner with me? For her?

Everything he told me was a big, fat lie. I am so done with him that it’s not even funny.

“Did she…what…” I try to speak to Lena and Toni but can’t form the words.

“I’m looking into it,” Lena says, typing away on her phone.

“Come on, let’s go…” Toni suggests, nodding her chin to the stairs.


The three of us stand there in silence for several long heartbeats while the betrayal slowly seeps into my skin. I don’t want to believe it. I’m not ready to leave this hallway yet either. I want to confront Lochlan, yell at him, hit him, choke him, stab him in the dick with his own knife. I may as well hear him admit it all, driving the blade into my heart a little deeper.

I take a few steps toward the closed bedroom door, unsure if I should see if it’s locked or bang my fist on it demanding he come out and tell me why. Why couldn’t he wait a little longer for me? Why after marathon sex does he want her?

That’s when I hear them, my husband fucking another woman practically in front of my face.

“Soph,” Lena says when she lays a hand on my shoulder as if to stop me from going inside.

I haven’t decided yet when the door begins to bang rapidly, repeatedly, much louder than the moans coming from the other side. But still, I hear her.

“Hurry! Hurry, Loch! I’m coming! Yes! Oh god, I’m coming!”

Wow. That was fast.

I barely make it past Lena and Toni to get to the nearest bathroom in time to throw up my breakfast. Heave after heave, I try and wrap my head around all the awful shit that’s happened today.

It doesn’t seem real, any of it, getting fired from being a volunteer or Lochlan cheating on me so…blatantly.

Once the waves of nausea lessen, I get to my feet with a clear purpose. I have my phone in my skirt pocket. That’s all I need. The rest of my things can be packed and brought over by someone else later.

“Are you okay?” Toni asks with her brow furrowed when I return to the hallway.

Shaking my head, I tell her, “We’re leaving, now.” To Lena I say, “Don’t even think about telling him I’m leaving. He can find out when his dick is finished with her.”


Wade sped home even though Wolfe hasn’t received any more notifications from the other guards. I’m also relieved to see all is calm at the estate, nothing falling out of the sky when we pull up to the gate.

I have Wade let me out at the front where nothing seems amiss. Still, Wolfe follows me inside.

“Good afternoon, sir. I apologize for Jones mistaking Flynn for you earlier. Owen’s in your office waiting for you and your brother somewhere on the estate with your other guest,” Dan, one of the guards at the front door informs me.

“Other guest?” I repeat.