Sure, he’s enjoying himself. I have no doubt she’ll have him coming so fast he’ll embarrass himself. But it’s not doing shit for me. My dick is still only semi-hard and still in my pants. I was hoping that the view from behind them, where I can’t see Shana’s face or, thankfully, Owen’s dick, would allow me to pretend for a few minutes that it’s sweet, innocent Sophie giving head instead.

Rather than putting myself in Owen’s place, all I can think about is seeing my wife kneeling in her skirt before him, Owen gripping her ponytail and telling her to take his cock like a good little whore. It’s fucking infuriating.

The knock on the bedroom door is a welcome distraction. At least for me. Shana and Owen don’t hear it or don’t care. I’m relieved I’ll get to rip a new one in whoever is stupid enough to disturb us after I told them not to. Yelling is better than continuing to contemplate if Sophie has somehow managed to break my mind and my dick in a matter of weeks.

“What did I fucking say?” I growl when I unlock, and whip open the door.

I figured it would be one of the newer guards, not Wolfe who has been with me the longest and is in charge of my entire security team.

“I apologize, sir,” he says before I notice he looks pale, like all the color has drained from his face.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, knowing it must be serious if he came knocking. Life or death situations, that’s the only reason he would interrupt.

“There’s been an aerial attack on the estate.”

At the word attack, a million thoughts crowd my mind. My heart is thundering in my chest, while my tie suddenly feels like it’s strangling me. Reaching up to loosen the knot, I try to calm the panic so I can think rationally here.

“Was anyone hurt? Was Sophie…” I pull my phone from my pocket, but there are no messages, no calls.

“All I know right now is that the guards are all in a panic, shooting down relentless drones.”


At first, that doesn’t sound serious. Someone attempting to spy on me at worst.

But then I recall the drones used in warzones, the kamikaze ones that carry bombs, self-destructing when they reach their target.

“Owen! Let’s go,” I call over my shoulder.

I take a step to leave but Wolfe doesn’t budge to let me get past him. He even holds up his palms to stop me. “You should prepare yourself for the worst, sir.” Wolfe is a pragmatist, never one to exaggerate or panic. It’s not like him to think shit’s gone all to hell. That his carefully constructed security measures guarding the estate are fucked.

“Why the worst?”

“Sophie was still out on the tennis court when I received the report.”

I shake my head; I’m certain he’s been misinformed. “Sophie doesn’t go out to the court at night even though I had the lights installed.”

“She did tonight,” he replies. What he doesn’t have to say is that she probably went back out because I didn’t come home for dinner. I wasn’t there.

“You…filthy…fucking…whore! Fuck!” Owen bellows from behind me, ignoring my order that we’re leaving.

“Let’s go,” I say to Wolfe, refusing to wait for Owen to take his dick out of Shana’s mouth or see if Flynn is finished having his fun. They can walk home for all I care.

On the jog down the stairs to the SUV, I feel like the biggest piece of shit. Of all the places, I’m here in this disgusting hellhole that reeks of cum, cheap perfume, and sweat when I should’ve been at home with Sophie.

And because I wasn’t there, because I was frustrated with her constant rejection, I may never get to see her again.

No, she has to be okay. Toni and Lena are smart. They’ll keep her safe while I can’t.

Right now, I would give any-fucking-thing just to have a chance to see Sophie smiling and happy on the tennis court, doing the one thing I know she loves most in the world, even if she never speaks to me again for failing her.

I pull up Lena’s contact and have the phone ringing in my ear before I climb in the SUV that’s already running and waiting out front.

She answers on the fourth ring which is four too many. “She’s safe. We got her off the property.”

“Thank fuck,” I mutter on a heavy sigh of relief.

“Here she is,” she says, handing the phone to Sophie.