Except, I’m not sure if I put the lube in me with my fingers or put it on the toy.

Lying down on the bed with both items in my hands, I decide to slather the jelly on the part that goes up in me. I’m already soaking wet just thinking about Lochlan watching me right now.

I’ve never been so blatantly naked like this in my room before, but I’m hoping it’ll even the playing field a little between us. He can see what he can’t have while I try out the sex toy.

The dildo is heavy, as if there’s more to it than just the shape. It must turn on and do…something. Vibrate I assume. I guess I’ll find out if or when Lochlan decides to oblige since there are no buttons on it that I can find.

It meets more resistance and takes longer than I expect to get it inside of me. I close my eyes, try to forget I’m being watched, and think about the other night when I was bent over the hood of the SUV and Lochlan was licking me from front to back, then using the tip of his tongue on my clit. That’s what really gets me going.

Gradually, it becomes easier to move the toy, to adjust to the fullness. There’s no pain like the night Lochlan took my virginity. Not that it was all bad that night. Still, this is much more pleasant.

Once it’s all the way inserted, the antennas brushing my clit, I glance up to the camera as if to ask him what now. While I’m definitely aroused, I don’t think I’m anywhere close to coming. It’s not nearly as fun when I’m putting things in my body. I prefer when…

With a gasp of surprise, I jolt into a sitting position when the damn thing suddenly begins buzzing inside me. Not just buzzing but…Oh. My. God.

The device starts thrusting all on its own without me guiding it. I collapse onto the pillow again, and my back arches. My free hand grips the bedding beside me to hold on. The tip is also swirling deep inside. And those antennas? Holy shit. They flicker faster than Lochlan’s tongue, tickling me. There is so much happening at once that it’s overwhelming, but in a good way.

Tipping my head back and closing my eyes again, I keep one hand on the device to make sure it stays where it is while I try to relax and enjoy the sensations that imitate the things Lochlan did that first night.

Not that it’s the same.

Not even close.

How could the cold silicone toy ever compare to his big cock shoving inside of me so roughly, so urgently?

I bite down on my bottom lip as I edge closer and closer to a release, the pressure building in my core.

Remembering the way Lochlan pinned my wrists above my head, restraining me while he fucked me sends me over the cliff. I shatter apart from that memory.

My orgasm seems shorter, less intense than the ones Lochlan gives. Like a single sparkler compared to an entire fireworks show.

The lack of his molten release filling me up at the end is sadly missing too, even if I shouldn’t have liked that part.

After the pleasure leaves me, I’m so sensitive I quickly withdraw the device and toss it down next to me on the mattress while I catch my breath. It keeps vibrating for several more minutes before finally turning off again.

Still, I don’t lift my gaze to the camera. No, I just lie there recovering a little longer, trying not to think about how much better it would’ve been if it had been Lochlan’s fingers, tongue, or cock inside of me instead.

While the orgasm was okay, now I just feel…lonely. I tell myself that I’m just sad that it’s over.

Finally, I roll out of bed to get dressed in an oversized tee and cotton shorts in the closet. When I return to the bed, I pick up the toy and take it to the bathroom to wash it with soap and water, figuring that should be safe enough.

After drying it off with a towel, I start to return it to the box when it begins rattling in my hand so suddenly that I drop it on the bathroom floor.


I wait until the vibrating stops again before snatching it up. I only make it maybe two steps before he turns it on again. This time I swear it just thrusts itself out of my hand and jumps to the floor where it continues to flop around as if possessed.

While I watch it, waiting for him to make it stop again, I swear I can hear that asshole laughing at me through the walls. And I hate it so much when he laughs at my inexperience.


Catching Sophie off-guard when she’s obviously uncomfortable handling the phallic sex toy is more hilarious than it should be.

The second time she drops it, a bark of laughter escapes me. As if hearing it, my wife glares up at the camera in the corner of the bathroom.

Once it’s off, I don’t press the button to turn it on again. Not until she’s holding it over the box. This time when it jumps out of her hands, I’m certain I hear her shout, “Asshole!”

Laughter takes me over again. I can’t even remember the last time I laughed so hard. Maybe I’m just in a good mood from jerking off watching Sophie masturbate naked. While I would rather have been inside of her, it was a much-needed release. At least I could watch the image of the toy on the phone screen mimic its current movements. I saw each and every thrust, decided when to make it go faster, vibrate harder, when it should flick her clit.