Oh, yeah, he’s definitely thinking about that thing he did with his tongue before the wedding ceremony.

And while I would love nothing more than to feel that good again, I’m certain his offer isn’t manganous. No, Lochlan would expect his own pleasure in return, and I would be too blissed out afterward to stop him from crossing the line I swore to myself I wouldn’t cross.

Not until he agrees to use protection and swears he won’t seek his own pleasure in any other woman. Or pleasure anyone else.

Imagining Lochlan’s tongue between one of his harlots’ legs quickly extinguishes the inferno his words tried to start inside of me.

“I’d rather you keep your filthy tongue in your mouth,” I tell him as coolly as I can manage, my fingers clutching my small purse tightly before I do something stupid like hike up my dress and show him my sexy lace thong that’s now damp thanks to his offer. “Can we please get this over with before I get blisters on my feet?”

Lochlan blinks at me silently as if stunned, perhaps because he’s not used to being rejected.

Finally, he sighs heavily and walks over to open the front door for me. A group of guards congregating in the driveway turn toward their boss.

“We’re ready to leave. Is a car ready?” Lochlan asks them.

“Yes, sir,” one of them responds instantly.

I hate to say it, but I miss Toni and Lena. While they may be assigned to me as part of their job, they’re highly entertaining, always teasing each other, making jokes, and talking about how horrible men can be.

The short ride in the SUV takes us down the familiar road of the Vegas strip. While I rarely left the penthouse, it’s impossible not to recognize the landmarks nearby.

“Where are we going?” I ask Lochlan.

“Salvato is hosting a fundraiser for the family of his deceased guard, so where do you think?” he replies blandly while staring down at his phone, the glow of the screen emphasizing his deep frown.

“We’re going home,” I blurt out when I see the resort sign lit up just ahead. That causes my husband’s eyes to snap up.

“The Royal Palace is no longer your home. Don’t even think about trying to stay tonight when it’s time to go. You know the rules, so don’t make me draw blood in your father’s casino during a memorial event for a dead man.”

Wow. I didn’t even mean it like that, I was just excited to be going somewhere sort of familiar.

The security checkpoint at the front door is new, although I’m not surprised by it. Especially tonight when my father can’t be too careful. It would be awful if there was another bomb during a fundraiser for a man killed in the last one.

We have to wait for all the guards to get approved through too since they’re carrying concealed weapons. Then, Lochlan leads the way with his entourage surrounding us. He stalks through the resort as if he’s more familiar with the place than I am. And he probably is. My father didn’t like for me and my sisters to come down to the main floor unless there was some special event.

Which means, I’ve only been in the largest ballroom a handful of times. Tonight, it’s decorated in a celestial theme, dark purples and blues, low light, giving it a sedate vibe, which I can understand for this occasion. The room is packed full of people. It’s all a little overwhelming until I see two familiar faces.

“Sophie!” Vanessa shouts when she spots me and comes over, pulling my father along by his hand. She lets go of him to wrap me in a tight embrace, then my dad does the same. Vanessa’s gown is a shimmering violet, matching his boutonniere, the only color on his black tux.

“It’s good to see you, baby girl. How are you? You look…so grown up,” he says as he eyes my dress. The tic in his jaw makes me think he wouldn’t have let me leave the penthouse with the slit so high up to my thigh. At least Lochlan isn’t that strict about what I can and can’t wear.

“Salvato. Looks like a great turnout,” my husband says to my father as the two shake hands briskly.

“It’s the least I could do for Frank’s family. I should’ve hosted a fundraiser for them sooner,” Dante replies. When the two begin to talk, or argue, about their new business arrangements, Vanessa wraps her hands around my elbow. “Let’s grab a drink and catch up while the men talk shop.” She steers me over to grab a glass of champagne, offering me one before grabbing one for herself.

Taking a quick sip, she says, “You look gorgeous, Sophie. I barely recognized you. I don’t think your own father did either.”

“Thanks,” I reply with a smile as I glance down at the gown. “It’s not something I would’ve ever worn when I lived here.”

She chuckles. “I imagine not if Dante had a say in it. Now, tell me the truth, how are you really doing with Lochlan?”

“I’m fine.”

“Just fine? Is he good to you?” Lowering her voice she asks, “Has he…hurt you? Forced you to do anything you didn’t want to do?”

“No, no. Nothing like that. He…he’s left me alone in my own bedroom every night.”

“Your own room? That’s surprising,” Vanessa remarks. I’m not sure if she means she’s surprised he’s left me alone or that I have my own room.