“Stay in your room? What? No. You may go anywhere you want whenever you feel like it.”

“Without guards?”

“Hell, no. You’ll be meeting Lena and Toni soon. They go where you go during the day, every day if I’m not with you.”

She looks up at me now. “Female guards?”

“Trust me, these women are just as tough as any man.”

“I don’t doubt that. I just…I’m surprised my father never hired female guards for me and my sisters.”

“So am I. Anyway, where you go, they go here on the property or out in public.”

“You mean, I can just leave?”

“Yes, if your guards are with you. At least four on any public outings, which means there may be two males, but I don’t mind since Toni and Lena won’t let them near you. Which brings me to the next rule…”

Sophie’s shoulders slump, as if she’s expecting the worst is yet to come.

“You will not touch or be touched by any man other than me.”

She blinks her big blue eyes at me as if she’s thinking about calling me a fucking hypocrite.

“And you will not touch yourself without my permission either,” I add after her comment last night that she would rather fuck herself with my knife. She kept my knife, which shocked the shit out of me. I had been so fucked up in the club that I hadn’t thought to retrieve it from that asshole’s hand before leaving the breakroom. It’s the only gift my mother has ever given me, so I don’t tend to misplace it.

Now Sophie’s eyes widen in surprise. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Keep your hands off my pussy unless I give you my permission to touch yourself. If I do, I’ll also provide the toys.”


“Vibrators, dildos, bullets, those sorts of things. You will only use them with my permission, and I’ll be the one controlling them.”

“What do you mean you’ll be the one controlling them? You’re not coming in my room.”

“I won’t have to. They have remotes or apps to turn them on and off, increase the speeds.”

“But…how would you know if I…touch myself?”

“There are cameras being installed in your room later today.” That brilliant idea just came to me, a way I can see her when she cries. “And there will be one in your bathroom as well.” Seeing her naked in a shower may be the only time I get a look at every inch of her sexy body. “Don’t worry, though, the toilet closet will continue to remain private. Never had those kinks and never will.”

Both of her palms slap the table on either side of her plate. “You can’t be serious! Even my father didn’t watch me in my room and definitely not in my bathroom!”

“You’re mine now, Sophie. That sweet little body of yours belongs to me, and since you’re living in my house, I will look at it whenever the hell I want.”

“I can’t believe this. I didn’t agree to be watched by a pervert in my own room!”

“This pervert will be watching you wherever you go inside or outside the house as well.”

“I don’t have to put up with this, with you.”

“Oh, but you do, Sophie. At least until you bleed.” As soon as I overheard Salvato telling her she could leave me whenever she wanted, that he would find another successor, I knew I would need something to hold her here. To keep up the public image that I’m a lovesick husband, even if it’s only temporarily, as well as inherit Salvato’s empire. I doubt it’ll be enough time to convince her to stay for long, but it’s better than her walking out right now.

“What do you mean until I bleed?”

“After the other night, there’s a chance you’re carrying my child. Which means I’m not letting you walk away from me until I know for certain. If you still want to try to get an annulment after that, then I can’t stop you.” She would probably have to get a divorce after that long, and since we’ve had sex, but I don’t bother bringing that shit up. Maybe I could work out some sort of separation agreement to keep us technically married a little longer.

“My father wouldn’t give a shit if I’m pregnant or not. He would let me come home right now.”