“Fine, that can be arranged. But I want to be the one who wields it,” he replies like the bastard he is. And I don’t know why there’s a smile stretched across my face. Maybe because I feel safe to taunt him with the barrier between us.

“I would rather do it myself.”

“That’s a lie, princess. You and I both know it. And the next time I fuck you, I promise it won’t hurt. The only reason I didn’t lick you first last night was because I wanted to hurt you. I had to punish you for being a little slut.”

My jaw gapes at his insult.

And that was my punishment? Withholding his tongue trick from me before shoving his dick into the snug space to steal my virginity?

I close my eyes and try to imagine what sex with Lochlan would’ve been like if he had got on his knees last night like he did this morning before penetrating me. While he did give me an orgasm with his fingers before the sex, I wasn’t nearly as slippery down there as I got from his mouth. The slide of him moving in and out would’ve been much easier.

“Should I cancel our honeymoon since you refuse to share a bed with me?” Lochlan asks, interrupting the mental redo of losing my virginity.


“Dante, well, Vanessa, thought you would like Anguilla. We would have a beach resort to ourselves…”

“No, thanks.”

“You don’t want to go to Anguilla?”


“Do you have any idea how many women would love for me to take them on a luxury vacation or buy them eighteen fucking five-carat diamonds?”

“Then why didn’t you marry one of them?” I yell through the door, then I lift my wrist to count for myself. Eighteen diamonds. Huh. It probably cost him a fortune.

Lochlan grumbles something I can’t make out before, “Goodnight, my pain in the ass wife.”

A nearby door slams shut, making me jump against mine.

He’s not happy with me. Which means it’s only a matter of time before he’ll either toss me out on the curb in front of the Royal Palace or…he’ll take what’s his.

I shouldn’t want to be his. Not when I know it will never happen. He won’t give up other women for me.

While I hate him for that, once he’s gone into his room, I feel so…lonely and abandoned. Tonight, I could be sleeping in a bed with Lochlan instead of a strange one alone in a strange room of a strange house.

Sinking down to the floor in a pool of my dress skirts I bury my face in my hands and let the tears fall. I have no clue what to do with myself tonight, tomorrow, or next week. Keeping my distance from Lochlan is going to be harder than I thought, so I need to find something to keep myself busy.

That is, if he even lets me leave my room.

I’ve traded one prison for another, all because my father asked me to for a business deal. I thought it would be exhilarating to marry the ruthless businessman.

I wish I had known that no amount of excitement fills the emptiness, and that Lochlan may not be capable of ever loving anyone.



Sophie didn’t come to my room last night. Not that I expected her to. Maybe I hoped she would change her mind once I left her alone, but she didn’t.

Her line has been drawn in the sand. I’m not allowed to touch her. Not unless…what the hell is it she wants from me? A pill and a promise to be faithful to her when there’s a fucking timer counting down the seconds on this stick of dynamite of a marriage.

If Dante backs out of our deal, there will be hell to pay. He’ll wish that bomb at the casino would’ve taken him out when I’m finished with him.

Him and his infuriating daughters.

The frustration left over from not spending my wedding night inside of my wife led to a four-a.m. run, followed by another hour in the gym. I think the guards hate my insomnia more than I do since two of them go wherever I go.