I’ve just stood up and slipped my panties back into place when the door opens again. My hands fight with the layers of tulle to get them down.

“Daddy wants to know if you’re going to marry him or if I need to,” Cass huffs in annoyance from the doorway, before frowning even harder than usual at me.

“Since when did you change your mind about marrying Lochlan?”

Cass doesn’t answer. She just wrinkles her nose and asks, “What happened to your hair?”

Reaching up, I feel the veil has shifted to the left, so I hurry over to the mirror to try to fix it.

“Oh my god. Did he just come in here and fuck you?”

“No,” I answer coolly. “He did that last night.”

“Last night?” she exclaims while I remove and redo a few pins. It’s sort of fun catching her off-guard.


“So, what happened when he was in here just now?”

“He got on his knees,” I say since I’m not entirely sure what to call that thing he did to me with his tongue. Oral sex? All I know is I loved every second and now my panties are soaking wet. When he told me to sit down, I should’ve refused because now I won’t be able to stop thinking about his tongue…

“He made you get on your knees?”

Turning to face my sister, I say, “No, he got on his. I haven’t…done that yet.”

And I’m not going to.

“Wow,” Cass whispers, sounding surprised? Impressed? I can’t ever tell with her. “You’ve already pussy-whipped him. I’m surprised.”

She thinks I’ve pussy whipped Lochlan Dunne? As in I have some sort of power over him? Maybe Vanessa was right, and I have more power than I realized when it comes to sex.

“He…he also fingered me under the table last night at dinner,” I admit, figuring that’s the correct way to describe what he did.

Now Cass grins. “No shit? I knew the cheesecake wasn’t that damn good.”

“I’m not letting him touch me again, though,” I admit, standing up a little straighter.

“Yeah, right. You’re about to marry him.”

“He didn’t use a condom last night.” Confessing that to her feels good. I need to vent to someone, even if she won’t give a shit. “And he wouldn’t agree to stop fucking other women once we’re married.”

“Jesus. He wants you barefoot and pregnant, stat.”


“He’s trying to lock you down. Once you have his kid in you, you’ll never be able to break free of him.”


I assumed he only wanted my virginity last night, then couldn’t understand why he still wanted to marry me. He wants me to be the mother of his child, not just for my father’s money, but so I can never break free of him?

“Never. Even after the kid is grown, you’ll both be in his or her lives.”

“But I don’t want to have kids.”

Is that the only way Lochlan will want to keep me—if I give him kids?

“Then you should take a morning-after pill.”