“I don’t know, Sophie. I’ve barely spoken to the man, so I haven’t been able to get a feel for him. If he does, then I hope you know that it’s not your fault. Some men are just born to roam, never settling down. And if you’re ever unhappy, Dante would gladly help you leave him. He can find another heir.”
I really hope she’s right.
Wait. Did she say heir? How could I forget that my father wants to have Lochlan take over his businesses for him? That’s probably the reason why he picked him for Madison to marry.
I guess his choice could’ve been worse. It’s just, Lochlan is so…frustrating. Confusing. Addictive. I like the way he makes me feel excited and alive for the first time in my life. But those feelings are only one-sided. Will probably only ever be one-sided. I’m not sure if he will ever love me.
Our marriage is part of a deal with my dad for an alliance. I’m nothing but an object for him to use when he wants.
Or at least that’s what he thinks I am.
I can’t help but wonder how far he would go if I continue to refuse him. Of course, I wouldn’t actually kill him. I have no clue what I was thinking when I put my hands around his throat. I just felt so…powerless and needed to do something, anything because I was angry when I realized he hadn’t used protection and may not want to marry me after we finished.
Then when he mentioned a next time, tying me up to keep me from choking him again, my body melted for him. Especially after he pinned my wrists above my head. It was like a switch was flipped inside of me. His thrusts began to feel good. I forgot what I was upset about, as if being a pregnant teenager was no longer a big deal as long as I was being held down by him. Taken. Restrained. Trapped.
I liked it too much when he dominated me.
I wish I didn’t.
Now I feel…ashamed of letting him have complete control over me. It’s wrong to like that. To want it. To want someone like Lochlan who only wants to hurt me.
Which is why I’m not going to let him lay a finger on me again. Not unless he loves me, and I’m the only one he touches.
After last night’s disaster, I’m not even sure why I’m surprised when I’m standing at the gazebo waiting for my bride. Even my slack brother, who passed out in a bed of whores around sunrise, managed to make it on time for once and is waiting next to me.
Ten long-ass minutes past when the ceremony was supposed to start, I decide to go downstairs to drag her ass up here if necessary.
On the first-floor landing of the chapel, I find my bride’s sister in a long, golden gown, Dante in his black tux with a gold tie, and his wife Vanessa wearing a black and gold dress as if she’s only half supportive, half in mourning for her stepdaughter being betrothed to me.
“Where’s Sophie?” I ask them.
“She wanted a few minutes alone,” Dante explains. “She’s not ready yet.”
Not ready for the wedding? Not ready for marriage? Not ready to belong to me? He doesn’t elaborate and I’m not sure I want him to.
“If she’s not out here in five fucking minutes…” I start but Dante interrupts.
“Then you’ll marry Cass instead.”
I blink at him, waiting for the punchline because he must be making a fucking joke. When he remains stone faced, I force out a single word. “What?”
“I’m not forcing Sophie down the aisle, not when our agreement was one of my daughters, and Cass is ready and willing.”
“Oh, I know she is ready and willing,” I mutter, eyeing the curves she proudly displays in her snug dress, including the slit up to her hip. The girl is practically begging for dick more viciously than most whores I’ve met. And I bet she would love a chance to steal the show to throw this in her sister’s face afterward.
There’s no fucking way I’m marrying anyone but Sophie today.
“I’ll go get her,” I tell her family, stalking down the hallways in search of her room before Dante can try to stop me.
Was this his plan all along? Wait until his youngest had a second of doubt to spring the desperate daughter on me? He doesn’t know that I made Sophie mine last night. That I fucked her without a condom. I’m not about to tell him those things, or walk away from Sophie, even if she is a dirty little liar.
Fuck all that.
I’ll convince Snow White to marry me today one way or another.