“You’re lying. His fucking dick was practically hanging out of his pants!” His face suddenly goes from enraged to…something else. It’s just blank as he looks at Austin’s undone pants then me. “Has he already fucked you?”
I shake my head. “No.” Thank god. Or thank Lochlan for interrupting. Not that I’ll tell him that.
There’s obvious relief on Lochlan’s face. I knew it. I knew that my virginity was all he cared about.
“Where did his hands touch your body, Sophie?” he repeats slowly. “Either you can tell me the truth, or I’ll cut off every limb and his dick to cover all the bases.” His glare warns me that I better not lie to him again or I’ll regret it because he would do exactly what he promised.
“Just my waist and, um, my…bottom. My butt.”
“Fuuuck, man,” Austin groans, sounding groggy, as if he just woke up. He plants his palms on the floor to try to push himself up, but only manages to lift his head.
“He touched your ass?” Lochlan’s eyes lower to my waist and his jaw tightens as if he’s imagining the man’s hands palming my backside. His jaw ticks as if the thought is enough to make him furious.
“He-he just sort of grabbed it for a second.” I try my best to downplay it.
“He grabbed your ass?” he repeats again. “After he got you drunk. Underage and drunk?”
I nod, and swallow around the sudden knot in my throat because not only is the murderous look back in his eyes, but it’s also got an edge of a need for brutal, painful murder. “Yes, but I’m not drunk.”
Lochlan reaches into his pocket, then there’s a flash of silver in his palm. His thumb engages the mechanism that makes the sharp blade jut out of the end. Spinning it around, he angles the point downward, and crouches to slam it straight through the top of Austin’s hand.
I don’t scream but Austin does, a moment before his entire body goes limp again.
The wound is bad, blood seeping from it, but it’s thankfully over. At least I thought it was over until Lochlan leaves the knife sticking up from the top of the man’s hand and stands all the way up. His dress shoe stomps down onto the handle, shoving the knife through bone, all the way to the cement floor. It’s a horrible crunching, scraping noise I never want to hear again.
“Jesus, Lochlan! That’s enough!” I scream at him, unable to look away even though my stomach is rolling with nausea.
There’s a hole in this man’s hand, and all he did was talk to me, share his drinks with me, and take me into this room like I wanted. Or at least I thought that’s what I wanted.
“Are you sure you want me to stop?” Lochlan looks over at me, his foot still propped on the handle. “Because if I’m not hurting him, I’m going to be punishing you.”
“Then hurt me instead!” I blurt out.
He chuckles darkly. “You don’t know what you’re asking for, princess.”
“Hurt me instead,” I repeat. “Please.”
Lochlan stares at me for a long silent second. “Well, since you said please….” Lowering his foot to the floor, Lochlan leaves the knife jutting out of the bleeding hand when he stalks toward me.
I back up as far as I can go, which is only about two steps until my back hits the wall.
Seeing his busted, bloody knuckles, I expect him to hit me. Slap me. I have no idea what he intends to do to me as my punishment. How did I ever think I could refuse this violent man anything? Whatever he wants from me he’ll take, and there’s nothing I can do to stop him.
As exciting as that is, I’m terrified for another reason. Tonight could be the last time he wants anything from me.
Grabbing my chin roughly, Lochlan holds it tightly, his eyes lowered to my lips before his thumb swipes over the bottom one hard. “Did you kiss him?”
I nod since I can’t move my lower jaw to speak.
The murderous glint in his green eyes returns with a vengeance, making my breath catch and my heart pound even faster against my ribcage.
“Are you scared of me, Sophie?” he asks.
“Yes,” I answer honestly.
“Good,” he replies before he leans forward, his teeth nipping at my bottom lip. I hiss at the sting, then Lochlan’s tongue is sliding along the ache, shoving into my mouth like he owns it. The second our tongues collide for the first time, a frenzy begins. They can’t seem to stop meeting. His grip on my chin directs my lips where he wants them. We can’t seem to get close enough either. Lochlan’s bigger heavier body flattens me to the wall. I barely have room for my lungs to expand, but I don’t mind. I like his weight pressing into me like he can’t get close enough.
Kissing Austin wasn’t anything like kissing Lochlan. He’s addictive. I want more, and I want it now.