A loud bang causes us both to startle apart, and the much-appreciated inches between our bodies become feet when Austin turns around.

“Get the fuck away from her,” a deep voice growls from the dark doorway before it slams shut again.

My eyes can’t focus, so I can’t tell which one of the guards has thankfully interrupted, but I don’t care. I just want to kiss them for their perfect timing. Maybe I could lose my virginity to him.

As the man moves closer to the glow of the muted television, I finally see his face. His furious face with tattoos climbing up his neck, and fisted, tattooed hands by the sides of his wrinkled suit. Every inch of him is promising violence. Beautiful, savage, violence.

He’s not one of the guards.

“Lochlan?” God, I’m so drunk. Does too much alcohol cause hallucinations because there’s no way he’s here. He can’t be. It’s a big city and I’m in a shady backroom in a small nightclub.

“You’ve got three seconds to disappear if you want to walk out of this room alive.”

Wow. That sounded like a threat Lochlan would make. And back up. Shit. It is him.

“Yo, man. I’ve got the room for the next hour, so you should mind your own business and get the fuck out.”

Uh-oh. That was the absolute last thing he should’ve said to Lochlan. I don’t think anyone ever gives him orders.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, he gestures with both hands to his half-opened pants.

Neither Austin nor Lochlan say another word before Lochlan’s fist slams into his face. The force of the blow knocks the guy sideways, where he drops to the floor, clutching his jaw.

But Lochlan isn’t finished hurting the other man. It’s like he goes into a blind rage, smashing his dress shoe into Austin’s face with a loud crunch of bone. Then he starts kicking him in the stomach before bending over him to land punch after punch until blood runs down his forehead and nose. That’s about the time Austin’s entire body goes limp. I’m not even sure if he’s still breathing. He won’t be for much longer.

“Stop! You’re going to kill him!” I shout at Lochlan.

The punches finally stop, if only momentarily. When Lochlan straightens to his full height again, he lifts his snarling face to mine. His eyes are still dark and murderous. “I warned him I would kill him. He should’ve fucking listened.”

Yes, he did warn him. Even I remember that in my drunken haze.

Lochlan’s gaze scans every inch of me, my white dress, my bare legs, then he wipes his bleeding knuckles on his pants leg and says confidently, “You’ve been drinking.”

“Just a little.” It was a little for me. That’s all it took for me to get, what was it Austin called it? Hammered.

“You’re only eight-fucking-teen!” he yells as if I don’t know my own age. “Where did he touch you?”


“Where. Did. He. Touch. You?”

“Nowhere. He didn’t. He didn’t touch me,” I rush to assure him. “How did you…what are you even doing here?”

“I came to stop you from making a goddamn mistake. What the fuck were you thinking, Sophie?” he asks, sounding like my father.

And of course he had to barge in here tonight to stop me from having sex. He’s adamant that he’s going to be the one who takes my virginity. No one else is allowed to have it, despite the fact that it’s my body. Even though I didn’t want it to be Austin, I still want it to be my decision. It’s the only thing Lochlan wants from me, and I hate it. Hate him. Nothing in my life has ever been my decision.

“It’s none of your business what I do tonight with him or anyone else,” I remind him since we’re not married yet. He’s free to back out now if he wants.

“You’re wrong about that.”

I guess he’s made it his business to beat the shit out of any man I go near, which is one hell of a deterrent unfortunately.

“Well, you…you’re overreacting.”

Lochlan rolls his broad shoulders back, then his neck, cracking it so loudly I can hear it. “Where did he touch you, Sophie?”

“I told you, nowhere.”