“She’s my baby girl, I don’t want her fucking anyone!” he yells right back at me. “And if you tell me you don’t want to marry her if she’s not a virgin in the morning, then you’re a goddamn hypocrite.”

“That’s not…” Fuck. The sudden throbbing in my head is making it impossible to think. I have to find her, that’s all I know. “Look, Salvato, I just need one good thing in my life right now. One perfect, innocent thing like her because I don’t know the last time I had either of those, if I’ve ever had them. And I sure as fuck don’t want her getting knocked up with some man’s kid or catching a disease the night before she becomes mine.”

Dante sighs again, even heavier than before. “They were going to Caesar’s Palace, that’s all Vanessa would tell me. Cass somehow managed to manipulate the guards into not reporting a thing to me tonight unless it was life or death, so I don’t know if they’re still there or went somewhere else.”

“Thank you,” I tell him before ending the call. At least I have a destination. There are ten bars and lounges in Caesar’s, but only one nightclub.


I’ve never seen so many people in my life. The Omnia club in Caesar’s Palace was amazing, but the music was so loud I couldn’t hear a thing. I was afraid of getting lost in the sea of dancing bodies, so we decided to go next door to a club called Chemistry that’s smaller and has live bands. There are still plenty of people, plenty of nice-looking men, but it’s less crowded, and the music isn’t rattling the windows.

“Let’s find a seat,” Vanessa says as we take our drinks from the bar to the table in the corner. Cass and I aren’t old enough to have any alcohol, so we are only allowed to have soda. Vanessa refused to bend on that issue, even though we have wine most nights at dinner. She said that even if we were of legal drinking age, it’s smart to stay sober around strange men.

Which of course made me want to drink even more, for the thrill of not being smart for one night.

“So, what do you girls want to do tonight while you’re free?” Vanessa looks between us, giving us the option to decide once we’re seated. “Dance some then go to a show?”

“Sophie wants to get fucked.”

“Cass!” Vanessa exclaims.

“It’s true, right Soph?” my sister asks with a single red eyebrow raised.

“Sophie? Is that really what you want?” Vanessa asks quietly, as if she doesn’t approve.

“I don’t know. It’s just…nothing has ever really been my decision. It could be nice to choose this one thing for myself.” And not have my soon-to-be-husband laugh at me when I can’t even touch his penis without flinching. If he even still wants to marry me once I tell him I’m no longer innocent.

“Well, as your stepmother, I should try to change your mind. Tell you that waiting for a man you love is best. But since you don’t love the man you’re marrying tomorrow, and barely know him, I guess…” She cringes, her nose wrinkling. “I sowed some wild oats of my own, which is how I ended up pregnant at sixteen. I don’t have a right to tell you not to do it. Just promise to be super careful and safe?”

“See?” Cass turns to me and slurps her soda through the red straw. “Even Vanessa thinks you should whore it up tonight.”

“I didn’t say that!” Vanessa scoffs. “And if your dad finds out…”

“He won’t,” Cass says confidently. “The guards confirmed that we’ve got a longer leash tonight. They won’t interfere with anything we do or report back to Daddy unless someone is dying.”

“And what about you, Cass? Do you plan on whoring it up?” I can’t resist teasing my sister.


Liar. She answered that question way too fast.

“Well, how about instead of starting the night with casual sex, we just go dance?” Vanessa suggests.

“Sounds good,” I agree.

“Fine,” Cass says. “It’ll give us a chance to survey our surroundings, find the hottest guys.”

I thought that I would look stupid throwing my arms in the air and swaying my hips like everyone else when I’ve never done it before, but there are so many people crowding around us that I think I blend right in.

And while I was trying to figure out how to even start a conversation when approaching a man, we were quickly surrounded by several who were friendly, smelled so good, and were young and attractive enough.

None of them had tattoos, at least none on their face or hands, which was a little disappointing. Although, I’m not entirely sure why. Maybe because I would like to dance with someone more like Lochlan to gain some insight into a bad boy.

“Back up, buddy! I’m married to the mafia king of Vegas,” I hear Vanessa shouting to one of the guys while holding up her drink in her left hand to flash her rose gold wedding band.

Keeping our drinks in our hand was another suggestion from Vanessa. She said someone could still slip something in it, so we should keep a close eye on it at all times.

I wish someone would slip me something to make me brave enough to lose my virginity tonight. Or at the very least, get a little experience in touching a man’s penis.