“You can’t stop now, princess,” Lochlan leans over to whisper in my ear before he shoves his spoon between my parted lips. I have no choice but to swallow the bite of cheesecake down with a whimper as the sensation intensifies.

But then suddenly Lochlan’s fingers slow, going back to the barely brushing tease as if he’s now focused on eating his fucking dessert.

He’s playing with me, tormenting me on purpose. Is this what our marriage is going to be like? Me trying to gain the upper hand but never succeeding because his hand feels too good between my legs?

I hate myself for blurting out the word, “Please.” I’m not entirely sure why I need Lochlan to keep going. I just…do. I drop my arm under the tablecloth to cover his hand with my own, pushing his digits back to my sex, to that fun spot. My clitoris or clit, whatever the heck it is, I want more.

Turning his face to me, he licks his lips and quietly says, “Please what, Sophie?”

“More, please.”

I can feel my father’s curious dark eyes on us, but I refuse to glance in his direction. Of course, what I’m saying doesn’t make any sense. I have almost an entire slice of cheesecake on my plate and I’m asking Lochlan, a man I’m just meeting for the second time, for his serving.

As soon as I say please, though, I forget everything else because Lochlan’s fingers resume their stroking with a vengeance. He covers my gasp by shoveling more of his cheesecake into my mouth. My eyes slam shut as I savor the taste and his teasing fingers at the same time. My thighs clench tighter. It’s all so overwhelming…

“Ah!” I gasp loudly before biting down on my bottom lip to keep quiet. I erupt in a wave of blissful shudders that travel throughout my lower body. I’m torn apart and put back together within seconds as everyone around us keeps eating.

Only Lochlan is staring at me now, his greenish-gold eyes dark with hunger. His fingertips continue to move slowly, gently, drawing out the twitches of pleasure until they’re sadly over and I’m left way too sensitive.

God. That was…that was…

Was that an orgasm?

Holy shit.

I’ve never touched myself down there like that before. And now that it’s over…I’m sort of sad. I don’t think my limbs have ever been so limp and relaxed. There’s no tension at all in my whole body for once. Vanessa was right about those happy endorphins.

Is that what it feels like having sex too? If so, I can’t wait to try it now. Cass said the first time would hurt but after that small taste…I think it could be fun.

Lochlan pulls his hand away from me. Mine is still clutching it tightly without me realizing it. Before I understand his intention, his hand slips from underneath mine to grab the top to drag it over to his lap. He presses my palm down onto the crotch of his pants where there’s a rock hard bulge. He molds my fingers around the length of what I finally realize is his long, thick penis. It suddenly twitches, causing me to jerk my hand away so hard and fast that the top of my hand hits the underside of the table, rattling all the dishes.

Again, all eyes turn to us as Lochlan covers his mouth with his fist when he laughs, attempting to turn his chuckle into a cough.

“Hit my damn knee,” he explains it away to everyone who is waiting for an explanation.

I’m absolutely mortified. I barely touched his penis, and it scared me. Lochlan laughed at me. He thinks I’m a silly, inexperienced child. And he’s right. I am inexperienced, but I’m no longer a little girl.

Tonight, I’m going out with Vanessa and Cass for my bachelorette party, where I now plan to touch a man without flinching away.

My father kept me from men and dating my entire life, but he’s agreed to give us a night of freedom. Just one before I likely will go from being a captive in one home to another.

Nobody even cares what I want. Not that I even know what that is either. All I know is that I don’t want Lochlan to use me, to take my virginity, and then toss me aside when I’m no longer a toy he wants to play with.

I want my future husband to love me, to only want to be with me. I don’t want to be treated like a child anymore.

There’s only one way to find out if my innocence is the only reason Lochlan wants to marry me.

If I’m not a virgin tomorrow at our wedding, maybe he’ll call it off.

Sex probably isn’t that big of a deal anyway. I’ll be safe, use protection, and it’ll probably be over and done in no time.



Making Sophie come while having dinner with her family, her father sitting a few feet away, was one of the hottest things I’ve ever done. The sounds she made, before they were muffled by dessert or her biting her bottom lip made me so damn hard.

While I wasn’t expecting her to jerk me off under the table, I wanted her to feel how much I liked having my fingers between her damp thighs. Her reaction to the twitch my cock gave when she squeezed it was priceless. I shouldn’t have laughed, but I couldn’t help it. I fucking love how innocent my Snow White is when it comes to sex. And I can’t wait to show her everything she’s been missing.