My dad’s shoulders sink as if in relief that he won’t have to kill the man or take on his entire crew. “You can take as much time as you want. I don’t give a shit what Lochlan says about wanting a wedding by June first. He can wait.”

“No.” After his threatening display, I don’t think Lochlan is a very patient man. “June first is fine.”

“Really? This June? That’s only three weeks away.”

“I know. It’s fine.”

“Okay, then. If this is what you want?”

I nod, afraid that if I open my mouth, I’ll admit to my father what he did with the knife between my legs and that I liked it.

Walking over to me, my father folds me into his arms, hugging me tight. “Whatever you need before June or after, just ask and it’s yours. Thank you for agreeing to do this for us.”

For us. Not for myself but for my family, for my dad’s business interests.

I hug him back but don’t respond. I don’t tell him about what Lochlan said to me, or about what he plans to do to me. My dad probably expects as much anyway. I’m going to be the man’s wife, which means he’ll have certain expectations of me in the bedroom. Obligations I’ll be expected to fulfill.

And I don’t have the slightest idea where to even start.

Not that I think I’ll have to do much when Lochlan seems to be so…dominating.

I need comfort food to help me wrap my mind around what I’ve just agreed to. So, when my dad leaves my room, I take a cold shower, then go to the kitchen to find a snack and quench my lingering thirst.

“I can’t believe you caved,” Cass says when she finds me in the kitchen guzzling my second glass of ice-cold water to try to cool myself down. “Actually, yes, I can believe it. Perfect Sophie does whatever she’s told like a good little girl.”

At least marrying Lochlan means I get to leave the penthouse and get away from Cass’s constant attitude.

I ignore Cass, and she doesn’t say anything while I wash an apple in the sink, then pull a knife out of the drawer. It’s impossible not to think about Lochlan’s knife while I begin peeling the green skin.

When I’m cutting the apple into slices, Cass grabs one from my plate and chomps down on it without asking. “At least Lochlan is kind of hot.” Taking another slice, she smiles when she adds, “He practically begged me to blow him tonight.”

“What?” The knife slips from my hand, clanging onto the countertop.

“Blow him. You know, suck his dick? God, you’re so naïve.” She rolls her eyes. “He didn’t try anything with you? I’m not really surprised, since you’re more inexperienced than a Catholic nun.”

God, I’m so stupid.

Did I actually think a man like Lochlan would only touch me between my legs? He obviously did the same sort of taunting with Cass too.

And unlike me, like a normal, sane person, she rejected him.

“Did you know Lochlan owns a bunch of brothels? You’re basically marrying a pimp, Soph.” I shake my head, still unable to get over him prodding me with a knife after he may have done something with her. “I bet he fucks all those women whenever he wants. Make sure he wraps his dick up with you. You don’t want to catch any diseases.”

If Lochlan has been with women who have sex with men professionally then…well, I’m going to be a huge disappointment to him. While being afraid of him is exciting, knowing I’m probably going to be unsatisfactory to him in bed just makes me so nervous I want to puke.

“Congrats, sis, you’re going to lose your virginity to a mafia pimp and it’s going to hurt like hell.”

“How do you know it will hurt?” I blurt out.

“Everyone knows the first time is painful. And I seriously doubt Lochlan Dunne will ever care if you’re in pain. I heard he gets off on that sort of demented shit.” While I hate hearing her say all that, it’s exactly what I thought too.

“What am I going to do? How do I…” I trail off as I try not to panic.

“Do you want my advice?”

“Yes.” It’s rare for Cass to actually want to help me.

“If I were you, I’d find someone else to get the worst part over with before he repeatedly bangs your brains out on your wedding night,” Cass suggests.