Page 125 of Ruthless Little Games

“No, it’s not your house. Not anymore. I’m on my way out and I don’t want you here if I’m not around after that stupid little stunt you pulled the last time you showed up unannounced.”

“Come on, bro. You can’t be pissed at me for that shit. I know Shana is one of your favorites.”

“Was. She was one of my favorite fucks before I got married. I never brought her slutty ass here. If I wanted her, I would’ve gone to her. I will never bring one of those money-grubbing whores into my home, and you won’t either.”

“Owen told me you didn’t get a chance to screw Shana the night of the drone attack. We were just trying to help you out. I still can’t believe Salvato didn’t blow your brains out…”

“Well, you didn’t help me out,” I interrupt him. “You fucked shit up between me and my wife!”

Not that it matters now.

“Trouble with your child bride?” Flynn asks with a grin.

“That’s none of your fucking business. Now get lost or I’ll have the guards drag you off the property.”

“Where are you headed off to?” he asks, fingers gripping the strap of his backpack and ignoring my command as usual.

“LA for a meeting to try and settle the civil suits.” Not try. We’re going to settle this shit, and I’m resigned to deal with the fallout as it comes.

“You’re not gonna actually cave to those greedy clowns, are you?”

“People are dead and it’s my fault,” I remind him.

You deserve to lose everything.

That’s what Sophie thinks, and she’s right. “I was supposed to keep them safe in my casino and I didn’t,” I admit. “Now, you’re leaving and I’m informing the guards out here that you’re not allowed to step foot on this property again without my permission. And if you fuck shit up again, I’ll kick you out of your cozy, rent-free apartment, and toss you out on the street. Do you understand me?”

“God, Loch, you sound just like our asshole father. Remember all the times he told you to stop fucking up? That you wouldn’t ever be able to fill his shoes no matter how hard you tried?”

“I remember,” I assure him, especially now when I’m on the verge of proving him right. “And he didn’t even bother wasting time thinking about the possibility of you taking over shit.”

“Fuck you,” Flynn mutters just as Wolfe and Wade bring the SUV around.

“Just like our father, I don’t have time to waste on you either,” I say before I shove past him.

Owen’s waiting at the airfield along with Warwick when I get there. Only one of them is flirting with a flight attendant.

“Everything set?” I ask the men while Wolfe loads my luggage.

Owen walks away from the woman without another glance. “Had to grease a few palms to get you off earlier than planned, but Flynn and I managed.”

“I don’t need to hear that,” Warwick says before he climbs the steps to board the plane.

“Let’s go then,” I mutter before something brings me up short. “Wait. What do you mean you and Flynn greased palms?” I ask my cousin, reversing my steps. My brother was just at the house, asking where I was headed like he didn’t have a clue.

“Oh, yeah, Flynn handled getting the pilots and plane ready while I got the control tower to squeeze you into the takeoff schedule.”

“Flynn handled the plane and pilots?” I repeat, unable to believe my slacker brother was sober enough to do a goddamn thing worthwhile. Not unless he was asking the pilots to toss my body out the door once they hit thirty-thousand feet.

“That’s right. He really came through for once,” Owen replies.

“I’m shocked. And surprised he didn’t mention it when I saw him at the house, especially since he doesn’t think I should pay the families a dime.”

“No shit? That’s fucked up. Millions won’t bring back a dead family member, but it’s the least you can do, right?”

“Right,” I agree. I take two more steps toward the stairs of the plane, but something stops me again. I figure my head is just messed up over leaving Sophie, or Sophie possibly leaving me. Everything with her feels like throwing a knife up in the air and waiting for it to come back down. But there’s also something else nagging me.

Finally pulling out my phone from my suit pocket, I scroll through the messages looking for the one that says she’s left, that she’s gone to Dante’s, and her things are being packed up as we speak.