Sitting up so my back is resting against the headboard, knees pulled to my chest, I clutch my pillow to me, as if I need all the buffers I can get between Lochlan and me.
I feel his larger-than-life presence even before I hear my bedroom door shut.
“Sophie,” Lochlan says my name softer than he’s ever spoken to me before. I rest my chin on my pillow, staring straight ahead at the wall refusing to even look at him. When I don’t respond, he says, “I don’t have much time, so I’ll get right to the point. First, I’m sorry about the tennis center. I heard Julia asked you to leave. I promise we’ll figure out a way for you to go back. I’ll donate whatever it takes.”
I shake my head at that bullshit promise. No amount of money in the world is worth the safety of the center, the kids playing there. It’s impossible for me to go back and I hate it. I hate him! And damn Lena or Toni for telling him when I asked them not to!
“I also know why you’re angry, why you left.”
And just like that, my determination not to speak to him or look at him slips. “Did your whore tell you about our chat between fucks?”
I hate that while I’m a red-faced, puffy-eyed mess, he looks perfectly put together as usual in his custom three-piece suit, not a single auburn hair out of place.
“She’s not my whore, and she shouldn’t have been at the house or spoken to you.”
“So, she was only there to fuck you?”
“I heard you!” I yell at him. He looks at me, as if waiting for me to elaborate. “In your room!”
He doesn’t even blink, just stares at me blankly as if he has no idea what I’m talking about. “I know you were fucking her in your room, so do Lena and Toni, so don’t bother trying to lie about it!”
“Sophie, I swear I haven’t…I didn’t fuck anyone today or any other day in nearly six fucking months. Only you. I was with Eli at the casino when you ran into her.”
It’s so aggravating that he’s standing there looking calm and unaffected while lying so easily.
“I heard her screaming your name!”
“Sophie, I wasn’t with Shana. I’m not saying you didn’t hear whatever it was happening, but she must have been with someone else, probably Flynn or Owen. They’re the ones who invited her over.”
“Right, sure. One of them were with her in your bedroom? And she screamed your name while fucking one of them?”
“I don’t know what you think you heard, but it wasn’t me. And I bet I can even prove it to you.”
“No, you can’t.”
“Yes, I can,” he says confidently. “There are cameras in my bedroom too.”
When understanding dawns on me I become furious. Everything we did, the things he did to me for an entire day and night were all recorded! Anyone could see them, see me naked and him fucking me. My mouth on him. Oh god.
“You fucking pervert!”
“No, Sophie. It’s not for that. I swear that no one but me will see the recording of us. Nobody. That’s not why the camera was there. Only I have access to the feed, and the reason I had one put in when I did yours was because I…”
“You what?” I snap at him when he pauses.
“I needed to know if you came to me, even if I was gone or asleep.”
That makes me scoff. “You put cameras in your bedroom to watch for me? God, you’re so full of shit.”
“I swear, Sophie. I didn’t want to miss my chance if you changed your mind. The motion sensors send me a notification on my phone.”
“Well, now I regret changing my mind.”
“I fucking know that!” he roars, taking a step closer to the bed and losing the first smidgen of his cool, careful composure. “I know you regret being with me. But we were good. No, we were fucking amazing together, and you know it.”