“Why do you say that?” I narrow my eyes at him, wondering if he’s just flattering me to try and get in my panties.
“You love tennis because it’s fun, not to beat people. You let me win, didn’t you?”
“I did not,” I huff. Lochlan just stands there and stares at me waiting. “Fine, maybe I wasn’t trying my hardest. If I win every set, nobody will want to play with me again.”
“Let me guess—your evil redheaded sister taught you that life lesson?”
“Yes,” I reply, surprised he figured it out so fast. “Cass is just as competitive as I am. And she has her own strengths and skills that I don’t have in mixed martial arts. She has no problem kicking my ass on the mats, but god forbid she lose to me at tennis.”
“I think we would’ve killed each other,” my husband mutters with a chuckle. “Literally.”
“I do too,” I agree with a grin. “I think she could kick your ass. She trains with some of our guards.”
“Ha, that’s probably not all she does with the guards,” it sounds like he murmurs, but my thoughts are on Toni and Lena. Poor Lena.
“I feel awful about making Lena and Toni work late last night,” I admit to him. “And that Lena’s hair caught on fire. If I had stayed inside…”
“Lena’s hair will grow back,” Lochlan says. “And those two are both well aware of the risks associated with this job. It’s why I pay them three times what the other guards make.”
“You pay them more than the other guards? More than your own guards?”
“Of course. Lena more than Toni. At least I can defend myself if it comes to it. You can’t.”
“You think I’m weak,” I say in understanding.
“No, I think you’re too precious to risk.”
For a moment, his words wrap around me like a warm blanket. Until I consider them a little longer.
Getting to my feet to put distance between us, I state the obvious. “Precious to my father. He would kill you if anything happened to me.”
“Ready for another match?” I ask.
“Yeah. Sure. Thanks for the talk, and the advice with my employees.”
“It was nothing you wouldn’t have thought of on your own,” I reply before walking away to my side of the court. It’s best to keep the net between us, to avoid getting too close to Lochlan.
If he had married Madison or Cass instead of me, he would protect them the exact same way. It’s all just part of an alliance with my father for him, getting Dante’s agreement that Lochlan will be his heir. There’s nothing more to it. And part of that agreement came with the added bonus of fucking me, taking my virginity, and using me however he wants.
I will not willingly get into his bed, no matter how badly I want him. Lochlan can keep trying, but it’s not going to happen.
Sophie and I spent two days at the resort in Laguna Beach. Two days I thought she might come to my bed after spending our days playing together and bonding. But we both passed out exhausted in our separate rooms each night.
At least the repairs to the estate and court were finished quickly, as well as the implementation of the newly hired snipers. I let Lena supervise the hiring once she assured me she didn’t need time off, just a haircut. She has a good eye for finding sharpshooters like herself as well as weeding out untrustworthy psychos, so I put her in charge of the assignment to recruit good people fast.
Sophie seemed on edge the ride home, like she was nervous about going back. But she didn’t ask to stay longer at the resort when I told her we were leaving.
The two of us have only been home long enough for me to shower and put on a suit when Wolfe appears in my open office doorway.
“You’re still here?” I say in surprise since he and Wade were with us the entire time we were gone, taking turns monitoring the resort.
“I was on my way out when I heard you had a visitor at the front gate. Dante Salvato is here, and he’s demanding to see Sophie.”