Ever since the afternoon Lochlan gave me the vibrator, he’s been distant. Well, even more distant than usual. He still asks about my day, but he hasn’t tried to lay a hand on me, or any other object. Which my mostly healing ass appreciates. But still, I…miss him.
I miss his dirty mouth; the way his eyes eat me up like he wants a taste of me; how amazing it feels every single time he touches me.
It’s stupid to want those sorts of things from him. If I’m not careful, I could easily lose myself in his magical tongue or talented fingers and end up having sex with him. No doubt it would be unprotected sex again, while he’s still doing who knows what with his whores. There is no reason to increase the odds of pregnancy this month. Once was plenty. Once may have been all it took since my period still hasn’t come yet.
Manipulative asshole.
I’m so consumed channeling my anger into hitting balls that I don’t catch whatever it is that Lena calls out to me. All I know is that her and Toni are both suddenly running onto the court toward me, dodging balls.
“What—” I start to ask when Lena grabs me up and tosses me over her shoulder like I’m a sack of potatoes. I lose my tennis racket after it gets hung on the fence on the way off the court. “Hey! What the hell?” I ask before Lena shouts, “On your left!”
Her warning is followed by the pop-pop-pop of rapid gun fire.
“Wait!” Lena screams just before there’s a loud boom.
The whole world seems to spin around me. My face and stomach hit the ground hard enough to knock the air from my lungs. The fact that Lena’s considerable body weight is on top of me doesn’t help my lack of oxygen.
I don’t bother asking her what’s going on or demand she move. The acrid scent of shit burning stings my nose and throat.
“Another drone incoming!” It sounds like Toni yells frantically from somewhere nearby.
A drone? The flying robot contraptions with a remote control? Why does she sound so concerned about one of those little things?
“What the fuck should I do here, Lena?” Her voice is closer, near panicked as she asks for her superior’s advice.
“If it’s going to blow anyway, then try to hit the damn thing before it gets any closer!”
There are more pops of gunfire, and this time I can feel the moment something crashes to the ground. Even with Lena’s body draped over me I see the bright flare of flames emitting from where it exploded and feel the heat coming off of it on my face.
Lena shifts us both around so that the light isn’t as bright or as hot just as Toni screams, “How many fucking more are there? Fuck! Lena, your hair is on fire!”
Oh, shit.
I try to escape her grip to help put out the fire, but the iron bars of her arms won’t relent.
“I got it, I got it!” Toni announces, which I hope she means the fire is out of Lena’s hair.
In the distance, I hear more booms and sirens.
“Finally, a little help! Looks like they got one at the gate,” Toni informs us, sounding relieved. Then, “We need to move her inside. We’re sitting ducks out here. I don’t see any more for now.”
“I’m not taking her inside where she could be burned alive or crushed by a collapse!” Lena argues. Neither of those things sound like fun, but I also know we can’t just stay here in the middle of the yard either.
“Fine, then can we put her in a car and get the hell out of here?” Toni requests frantically.
“Yes! Text the group to have someone get a ride over here now!”
It’s so weird to have them arguing about what to do with me without bothering to ask my opinion. Honestly, my mind is a complete blank right now. There are no good ideas. All I can think about is that maybe my father was right to keep me and my sisters locked away. If he had considered a drone attack like this, then I would’ve never been allowed to play tennis on the roof.
And if Lochlan had been home, would we have both been killed when the house burned down around us?
Just when things seem to be calming down, Toni yells, “INCOMING!”
Shana’s ass and pussy may look great in a tennis skirt and no panties, but she’s too…aggressive sucking Owen’s dick.