“Okay, good,” I say with a sigh of relief. He would’ve told me if he had replaced one or both.
“Am I excused now?”
“Yes. But you don’t have to ask my permission to leave the table.”
“I don’t?”
“No. I’m not your father,” he mutters before he gets up and leaves the room before me.
Over the next few days, I consider going home for a visit. The reason I don’t is because my dad is probably busy, and Cass wouldn’t care to see me. It would be nice to talk to Vanessa, but I’m afraid that once I’m back there in the familiar penthouse, I won’t want to leave again.
And I’m afraid my father would just send me back until I know if I’m pregnant or not, just as Lochlan predicted.
For now, Lochlan owns me.
Unlike at the engagement dinner, or in the club’s breakroom, he hasn’t touched me. I told him I didn’t want him to unless he gave up other women and used protection, which makes me wonder how he spends his days and nights, and with whom.
I didn’t ask Lena or Toni about the pill since it’s impossible to talk to them one-on-one. And since I decided not to take it, I try to pretend I never saw it.
But I did keep it. I pushed it over the back of the drawer and crushed it in the space that’s unreachable unless the entire drawer is removed just in case I need it later.
“You look like shit,” Owen remarks when he and Flynn waltz into my office at the hotel Thursday afternoon. “Your child bride still withholding pussy?” my brother asks.
“Yes,” I mutter, tossing the tablet I’ve spent days clutching on the top of my desk. The tablet I was using to watch Sophie doing leg lifts in the gym. Those weren’t nearly as fun as seeing her legs open and close over and over again on the abduction machine. Maybe fun is the wrong word. It was more like torture. “I don’t know what else I can fucking do to get her in my bed. I had hoped the tennis court and bracelet would be enough to have her eagerly spread her legs for me.”
“How ungrateful of her,” Flynn remarks with a chuckle. “Maybe you should give up and get a divorce. Or an annulment.”
“No. Not yet.”
“Why not?” Owen asks.
“Because, I’m not ready to give up yet. Too much is at stake. I need the PR and I need Salvato to make me his successor in case I lose everything at trial.” I hate to admit to myself that I am sort of enjoying the challenge of changing Sophie’s mind. No woman has ever been worth putting in effort for before my young wife. I want her, and I want her to want me, even though she thinks I’m a dirty bastard.
Getting up from my desk, I go over to the mini bar to pour myself a scotch. After I drink half of it, I confess to them, “Sophie could be pregnant with my kid, which would probably seal the deal with Dante. We won’t know for sure for a few weeks, and he’s not getting my contacts until then.”
“What?” Owen mutters.
“How is that possible if she won’t let your dick anywhere near her?” Flynn asks.
“Because I fucked her the night before the wedding, against the wall in a club breakroom.”
“You did what now?” Flynn takes one of the seats, followed by Owen who joins him. “You fucked her before the wedding ceremony?”
“You both know I left my so-called ‘bachelor party’ that night. I went looking for Sophie after Salvato confessed that she was having her own version of a bachelorette party. Well, I found her drunk and getting felt up by some asshole. I put him down, then yeah, I fucked her. She claims I took her virginity, but I think she’s lying. She didn’t bleed.”
“Not all virgins bleed,” Owen remarks.
“How do you know?”
“A dick isn’t the only thing that can rip a cherry. Sophie’s athletic, right? She probably uses tampons.”
“Or she could’ve fucked a dildo,” Flynn helpfully offers.
I consider those possibilities for a second. Why didn’t I think of them before? Probably because I’ve never been near a virgin before. I feel a little sick, wondering if they’re right, and that I was wrong for calling Sophie a liar, for being so callous her first time. “So, you think maybe she was telling me the truth, and I was her first?”