Page 89 of Taming 7

“He has a point,” Feely added, taking Hugh’s side. “Claire’s in love with you, lad. Has been since we were kids. You know this. It’s no hidden secret. And if you felt the same way, you’d have done something about it by now.”

“Hold up,” Johnny said, coming to my defense. “Nobody is saying Gibs is the only fella to put his dick in the wrong girl here. Not one of us is an angel, lads. Everyone has a past.”

“True,” Feely agreed.

“I haven’t,” Hugh deadpanned.

“So, you’re a squeaky-clean virgin, now are ya?” Johnny chuckled. “Saint Hugh?”

“I’ve only been with Katie,” Hugh replied, eyes locked on Johnny. “So, what do you think, Cap?”

“But you’ve been together since…” Johnny’s brows shot up. “Shite.”

“Yeah,” Hugh snapped. “Unlike the rest of ye sick bastards, I don’t spread myself around like butter.”

Feely cocked a brow. “Butter?”


“Hey, I’m loyal,” Johnny huffed. “Like a bleeding Labrador.”

“Listen, it’s got nothing to do with who you’ve been with in the past and everything to do with what you’re doing in the present,” Feely said, steering the conversation back on track. “All we’re trying to say here is stop playing with Claire’s feelings.”

“Exactly,” Hugh agreed, with a stiff nod. “No more of this leading her on bullshit.”

“You either want her or you don’t,” Feely added. “And if you don’t, that’s grand, Gibs. Understandable. But if that’s the case, then step aside and let the girl have a life. Because she doesn’t have a chance of getting over you when you’re standing in her way.”


Saturday Night Vibes


“I want a big, dirty takeaway, with a minimum of three thousand calories and a side order of grease,” Gerard announced when he staggered into my bedroom late Saturday evening. “Seriously, babe.” Clad in gray sweatpants and a white muscle vest, and with his blond hair standing on end, he looked like a broken man. “I’m fading away here.”

“Oh my god?” I half gasped, half laughed, as I took in his disheveled appearance. “Who broke you?”

“Who’d you think,” came his disgusted response as he stumbled toward me. “Quick, push over, babe. My legs are bolloxed.”

“Don’t you mean Bambied?” I snickered, using the new word I’d learned, courtesy of Joey’s baby mama.

“Seriously, they’re shaking so bad it feels like my kneecaps are about to dislocate from the rest of me,” he groaned, causing a laugh to escape me.

According to Aoife, getting Bambied was when a boy made you orgasm so violently that your legs shook like a baby deer trying to stand up for the first time. Since moving into the annex at the Kavanagh’s house with Joey and AJ, Aoife had become something of a revered, seductive goddess to the rest of us girls, doling out wisdom and knowledge that blew our minds.

Seriously, I had learned more about sex in the last few weeks I’d spent hanging out with Joey’s baby mama than I had in my entire sixteen years on earth.

Aoife was joining us at Tommen after the Halloween holidays, and I couldn’t wait. Aside from the fact that it was awesome to see Katie come out of her shell with her childhood friend present, what her presence did for Joey was incomparable.

“Look at those tremors,” I cackled when Gerard face-planted on my mattress, narrowly avoiding Cherub, who was curled up on my lap, taking a break from the ever-boisterous Tom, Dick, and Harry—the three male kittens Mam agreed to let us keep from Brian and Cherub’s adorable litter this past summer. Salt and Pepper had been adopted by cousins of ours living in Bandon, while a friend of Sadhbh’s in Clonakilty had adopted Millicent.

Yeah, that had been a dark day for the Biggs-Gibson family.

“You think that’s funny but it’s not,” Gerard groaned into the mattress. “Because that bastard fucked me harder in the gym today than he ever did little Shannon.”

“Gerard, ew!” I grimaced, slapping at his sweaty shoulder. “You couldn’t take a shower before you came over?”

“Shower?” He raised his head to gape at me. “Claire, it took everything I had in me to get back to you!”