Page 72 of Taming 7

“Now, close your eyes, Gerard. Take in the feel of the water on your body and how safe you feel right now.” Resisting the urge to press a kiss to his temple, I stroked his cheek with my nose and clamped my thighs around him instead. “I want you to replace the memory of that day with this one.”


Summoned to the Office


Contrary to Lizzie’s beliefs, I wasn’t entirely off the hook at school. The whole inciting a riot in the lunch hall on my first day back had resulted in a week’s detention and daily trips to the office, not to mention several surprise inspections on my locker.

At my daily trip to the principal’s office, I found myself interrogated by Twomey in great detail and told in no uncertain terms that he was keeping his eye on me. I didn’t blame him. I had no doubt that I was the highlight of his professional career. After all, he was the one who told my mother that he had never met another student as uncommon as me in all his years of teaching.

I liked to think of that as a compliment.

Regardless of how much Twomey’s attention tickled my funny bone, I couldn’t hide my aggravation when I was summoned to the office at the end of last bell the following Thursday.

I had plans after school and had already dealt with his lectures and locker raiding at big lunch.

Beyond pissed off at the intrusion into my personal time, I stalked into the office, not bothering to stop the double doors from slamming shut behind me.

“Hey, stranger,” a familiar voice purred from the other side of the admissions desk. “Long time no see.”

Not fucking long enough. “Dee.” Slapping on a smile, I strolled over to the counter and leaned against it. “Twomey’s looking for me again?”

“Nope, I am.”

Christ, I truly was broken.

I stared blankly back at her. “You are?”

She laughed. “Is that so hard to believe?”

No, it wasn’t hard to believe but it was daring. Calling me to the office over the intercom? Jesus, that was a bold fucking move. “What can I do for you?”

“I think you know exactly what you can do for me.” She slid her car keys across the counter and said, “I’ll be there in ten.”

Dressed in a low-cut blouse and pencil skirt, with her blond hair piled on top of her hair like a sexy librarian, the woman was undeniably attractive.

And I felt nothing.

Not so much as a twitch.

“No can do.”

“No?” Confusion swept over her face, and I watched as she flicked through what I presumed was the schedule diary before saying, “You’re not training after school.”

No, I wasn’t training after school, but that didn’t mean that I was free for any other extracurricular activities, and certainly none that involved my head between this woman’s legs again.


When Dee showed interest in me back in the day, I’d been reckless. It was a horrible trait of mine. Freewheeling into mischief without a thought for the consequences. It was my decision and I thrived on the feeling of being in control. Of initiating what I wanted and not the other way around. There was something very wrong in my head. I knew it. I just… I couldn’t change the way I was programmed. I guess in the back of mind, I felt I had a point to prove to myself and who better to do that with than an older woman?

I could touch.

I could do that.

No fucking problem.

But being touched wasn’t so easy for me because I didn’t feel anything, so I avoided it and became what this woman liked to refer to me as her personal giver.