Page 44 of Taming 7

“She’s been pulling away from me for months,” I explained, using my toe to dig a hole in the sand as I spoke. “Because of Gerard.”

“Because she blames Gibs for what happened between Mark and Caoimhe.”

“Yep. Pretty much.” Releasing a pained sigh, I scooped up a handful of sand and then watched as it slowly trickled from my fingertips. “I understand where she is coming from. Really, I do. But I won’t ever walk away from him.” Not even for Lizzie. “And she sees my friendship with him as one giant betrayal to her.” I shrugged, feeling helpless. “The closer I get to Gerard, the further Lizzie pulls away.”

“That’s a horrible situation to be put in,” Shannon offered, reaching over to cover my hand with hers. “One I think you’ve been doing a wonderful job of navigating.”

“I used to think so, too,” I admitted. “That I was good at navigating my friendships with them both. But not lately.” Not since the last camping trip. “Not anymore.”

“I’m going to help,” Shannon declared, squeezing my hand. “You’re not alone in this. She’s our best friend and I’m right here with you, Claire. We’ll do something about this.”

“What though?”

“We’ll talk to Liz,” she replied. “And we’ll talk to her mother, too.”

“She might freak,” I offered warily.

“She might,” Shannon agreed with a nod. “But it’s a risk worth taking.”

“Sorry we’re so late, guys. I didn’t get off work until eight,” Katie announced, causing our conversation to be cut short when she hurried up the beach in our direction. “Room for one more?”

Clearing her throat, Shannon smiled brightly and patted her towel. “Always.”

“Thanks,” Katie replied, sinking down on the edge of Shannon’s towel. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was still wearing her work uniform. “I have no idea what’s getting into that brother of yours, Claire, but he’s like a monk that’s taken a vow of silence.”

“Really?” I glanced over my shoulder and spotted my brother who had just arrived. Clad in board shorts and an oversized hoodie, he pitched their tent with effortless ease before turning his attention to the makeshift fire that was dying out.

Oh god.

This was my fault.

It clearly went very badly with Lizzie earlier.

“I’ll be right back,” I announced, climbing to my feet. “Two secs, guys.”

“Can you grab a hoodie for me?” Shan called after me. “The sun’s going down and it’s getting chilly.”

“On it,” I called back, not stopping until I reached my brother. “Are you okay?”

“Never better,” he replied, attention glued to the flames he was teasing back to life. “You?”

“Come on, Hugh.” I stepped closer. “What happened?”

“What do you mean?”

“With Lizzie,” I pushed. “Was she mean to you?”

“When isn’t she mean, Claire?” he replied flatly.

Oh god, she was mean.

“You know she doesn’t mean it, right?” I tried to sway. “It’s her coping mechanism.”

“I don’t need anyone to explain Lizzie Young’s coping mechanisms to me,” came his hard response. “I’m well versed in them.”

“So, you asked her about it?” I chewed on my lip, anxious. “About the cutting?”

“Yes, Claire, I asked her about it.”