Page 255 of Taming 7

“You make me feel like it’s possible,” I heard myself tell her as our bodies continued to move in perfect rhythm.

“Hmm?” A bead of sweat trickled down her neck, and I followed it as it trailed between her breasts. “Like what’s possible?”

“Like everything is going to be okay again.” Tightening my hold on her hips, I moved faster, feeling that familiar surge of urgency taking over my body. “Like I’m going to be okay.”

“Because it is,” she urged, her words a breathless rasp as she gripped my shoulders and rocked her hips furiously against mine. “Because you are.”

“Yeah.” Breathing hard and ragged, I cupped the back of her head and pulled her forehead to mine. “But you make me believe it.”

“Gerard, I–I…” Her words faded but her eyes never left mine when she started to tremble. Her body jerked and spasmed, and just like dominos crashing, I followed right along with her.


When I blinked my eyes awake on Sunday morning, I was greeted by the sight of a pair of mischievous brown eyes looking at me.

“Whoa,” I choked out, almost having a goddamn heart attack from how close said eyes were to my face.

“Morning,” Claire chirped, as she sat cross-legged on her bed watching me, with a megawatt smile etched on her pretty face. “Guess what you did last night.”

“Took you to heights of pleasure you never knew existed?”

“Okay, guess what else you did last night.”

“What did I do?”

“You slept!” Shuffling around with barely constrained excitement, she clapped her hands together. “For three straight hours!” Her smile widened. “No nightmares. No sleepwalking. Just sleeping. I watched.”


“Uh-huh.” She nodded before adding. “You were right about the snoring, by the way. Unfortunately, I am the culprit.”

“Told you so,” I mused, pulling myself into a sitting position. “Now, can we rewind to the part where you admitted to creeper-watching me while I slept?”

“Oh, please.” She rolled her eyes. “Like you haven’t watched me sleep a million times.”

“I don’t watch you sleep, Claire. I listen to you sleep. The entire house does.”

“Oh my god, stop. I am not that loud,” she huffed, slapping my arm. “Besides…” She winked. “I have it on good authority that I have a cute snore.”

“Whoever told you that was trying to get in your knickers.”

“Well, he got in my knickers last night.”

“And what a lovely pair they were.”

Snickering, she reached for a pillow and then proceeded to hit me upside the head with it. “Come on, Gerard Gibson,” she said, leaning in to press a kiss to my cheek. “Take a walk with me.”


The Great War


It was January 6, 2006, the first day of a new school term, and I was nervous to see what 2006 had in store. If it was anything like the year we had left behind, then we were in for a bumpy ride, but the boy whose car I was sitting in sure made for great company.

Everything had irrevocably changed in our lives. Not just for Gerard, but for me, too.

I felt different now.